Tallinn University of Technology

In the 2019 Accounting Research Competition, the authors of the final thesis in the field of Accounting at the School of Business and Governance emerged victorious, as they won three out of the five prizes.

TalTechi majandusteaduskonna lõpetajad võidutsesid arvestusalaste uurimustööde konkursil

First prize in the master’s and doctoral thesis category went to Paavo Siimann’s Doctoral thesis Usage of Efficiency Matrix in the Analysis of Financial Statements” (supervised by Professor Emeritus Jaan Alver). Kristel Vist’s Master’s thesis Analysis of auditor´s reports in 2012-2017 and their users’ expectations” (supervisor lecturer Iivi Maspanov) received a special prize for best research in the field of auditing. A special award for a novel or interesting accounting theme was given to Maret Niitla’s Master’s thesis Financial audit of token transactions and reporting (supervised by visiting associate professor Margus Tinits and lecturer Kristo Krumm).

The aim of the Accounting Research Competition is to find innovative approaches and practical suggestions for solving various accounting problems and interesting perspectives on theoretical issues. The competition is the only opportunity in Estonia for students with higher education in this field to submit their thesis for mutual competition.

The competition is organised by the Estonian Accountants’ Association, the Ministry of Finance, the Board of Auditors and the Estonian Association of Internal Auditors.
