Tallinn University of Technology

This website is developed according to EN 301 549 V.3.2.1 accessibility standards. This means that special technologies and processes have been used to make the content more accessible for people with disabilities.

In addition, better accessibility can be achieved by configuring some browser and operation system tools. This page provides information about those possibilities.

A more detailed help page on the same topic can be found at http://www.abilitynet.org.uk/mcmw/

Keyboard-only navigation

This website allows visitors to navigate using only the keyboard. Navigation works by pressing the Tab key repeatedly. Every keypress brings the focus to a next element, ie. link or a button. The element currently in focus is highlighted by a color change and a framed box around it. To activate this element (ie. “click on it”), press the Enter key.

The first 3 elements accesible by this method are hidden by default and only meant for keyboard-only users. Those are “Skip to main content”, “Toggle high contrast” and “Accessibility help”.

“Skip to main content“ skips the header of the page and continues at the main content of the page, to avoid going through the whole header and menu on every page. “Toggle high contrast” changes the colors of the page - text is changed to white, links to yellow and backgrounds to black. “Accessibility help” directs to this current help page.

Zooming in and out

There are three main ways to zoom in on a webpage - using your browser built-in capabilities, using your OS built-in capabilities, or installing a special plug-in for the browser. Our recommendation is to use the easiest way - browser built-in zoom.

With a browser

All popular browsers allow zooming in and out by pressing the Ctrl (Cmd in OS X) and + or - keys. Or alternatively hold down the Ctrl key and scroll up or down with the mouse.

In your operating system

Windows 7 includes “Magnifier”, a program that allows zooming. Press the “Start” menu and type “Magnifier” (first letters should do it) and press Enter. A small overlay window appears that can be moved around with the mouse and zooms everything in it.

In Windows XP, go Start > All Programs > Accessories >  Accessibility > Magnifier.

In Apple computers, go Apple menu > System Preferences > Accessibility (or Universal Access) > Zoom.

Browser plug-ins

Browsers have plug-ins that extend the zooming capabilities. For example, “Zoom Page” for Firefox , “AutoZoom” for Chrome. 

Using a screen reader

A screen reader is a software application that attempts to identify and interpret what is being displayed on the screen. This interpretation is then re-presented to the user with text-to-speech, sound icons, or a Braille output device.

The content of this website is created in accordance with the screen reader technical standards. For example, pictures have Alt tags, special text-based descriptions; video windows have textual descriptions about whats happening on the screen; structural elements are placed and ordered so that the order of the information read by the screen reader is logical and easy to follow.

A choice of popular screen readers:
JAWS (Windows) http://www.freedomscientific.com/
VoiceOver (OS X, free, built-in)
NVDA (Windows, free) http://www.nvaccess.org/download/
SystemAccess (Windows) http://www.serotek.com/systemaccess