Tallinn University of Technology

The Academic Ethics Committee of Tallinn University of Technology (hereafter, the Committee) is an independent expert body tasked with evaluating ethical and data protection aspects at research performed at the University. The Committee can also issue statements on violations of academic etiquette and practices.

The Committee bases its activities on the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant laws, the Estonian Best Practice in Research, the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and other similar codes as well as the quality assurance memorandum of Estonian universities.

The current membership of the Committee was established with the Senate's Decree No 8 (February 20, 2024)

Members of the Committee:

The Chair of the Committee is Vello Tõugu, the Vice-Chairs are Jakob Kübarsepp and Aive Pevkur.  Regular meetings of the Committee take place monthly . The general e-mail address for the Committee is eetika@taltech.ee

You can get advice from the committee on issues related to the violation of the principles of academic ethics via the e-mail eetika@taltech.ee. The ethics committee does not process anonymous appeals.

The committee will discuss cases received by the third day of the month of the meeting.