Tallinn University of Technology

About the 5G-BALTICS

Title: Uninterrupted 5G Coverage Across Via Baltica Corridor

Title EST: Katkematu 5G leviala kogu Via Baltica koridoris

Duration: 01.01.2025–31.12.2027


The overall objective of the 5G-BALTICS project is to deploy 5G infrastructure for the transport corridor to reach uninterrupted coverage that meets service requirements for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and also for multi-service/multi-application 5G services along the European transport corridor via-BALTICA. The project covers the transport corridors in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania including the cross-border sections, and provides 663km of 5G uninterrupted coverage from Tallinn to Kalvarija. The project has multiple cross-border segments, as the deployed sites will enable 5G coverage in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, while special focus activities will be undertaken for uninterrupted coverage at the border crossing.

News and Events

5G-BALTICS: Kick-Off meeting in Tallinn/TalTech 29.01 - 30.01 


5GB Partners


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Connecting Europe Facility programme CEF Project Grants under Grant Agreement number 101181148

