Tallinn University of Technology

Dean's offices and programme directors

The dean's office is the first place the students should turn to with issues concerning academic affairs.

The student counsellors provide advice to students in all matters related to studies, e.g.:

  • individual study plan/declaration
  • completing the study load of a semester/an academic year
  • certificates concerning studies at the university
  • transcript of records
  • academic leave
  • application for main field of study/speciality
  • accreditation of prior and experiential learning (APEL)
  • applications for study allowances
  • changes in personal data
  • tuition fees and invoices
  • completing a study programme
  • application for a graduation thesis/declaring a thesis topic
  • switching study programmes
  • studies abroad
  • internship

The Programme Director provides assistance in substantive matters related to the study programme:

  • structure of the study programme
  • selecting the main field of study/speciality
  • thesis topic
  • opportunities for further studies in the chosen field
  • assessment of suitability of the courses for studies abroad

Contacts of the Schools

Please find the contact information by clicking on the name of the school.

School of Business and Governance
Akadeemia tee 3, 12618
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone +372 620 3945
e-mail: md@taltech.ee

School of Engineering
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086
Tallinn, Estonia 
Phone +372 620 2565
e-mail: ed@taltech.ee

School of Science
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 620 2997
e-mail: science@ttu.ee

School of Information Technologies
TalTech Help Centre for IT students
Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone +372 620 3528
email: i@taltech.ee