Tallinn University of Technology

Basics of Physical Movement

Subjects must be declared in the TalTech study information system OIS.

Bachelor's, master's and doctoral students can declare Basics of Physical Movement courses twice during their studies for free of charge. The declaration of courses, similarly to every other course, goes through the study information system ÕIS: when declaring in the autumn semester, select code MK 3001 “Basics of Physical Movement I” and when declaring in the spring semester, select code MK 3002 “Basics of Physical Movement II”. Both subjects are 3 ECTS. MK 3001 is not a prerequisite for MK 3002.

The subject course is considered to be passed if the student has:

  • participated in AT LEAST 24 trainings
  • completed the independent work
  • completed a self-analysis in the Moodle environment

After passing both courses (MK 3001 and MK 3002) a student has a possibility to train free of charge until graduating from university on the same conditions as the training times in the course.

When declaring the course, the head coach of the most likely attended sports must be chosen:

  • Group training - Sirli Roosve
  • Gym - Risto Jamnes
  • Ballgames - Kris Killing

You can participate in all trainings that are in the timetable. Only one workout per day is taken into account, you can attend more trainings of your personal interest during the day.


  • First validation: Entering the sports club at security gates. 

  • Second validation: at the entrance of the workout room. If you do not find them, please ask the coaches. NB! have an ISIC/student card with you. 

  • Third validation: leaving the sports club at the security gates. 

NB! Validation as a contact hour only works if you are in the sport club for at least 60 minutes

The gates open 15 minutes before and close 10 minutes after the start of the class (eg 10 training starts, entrance 9.45-10.10).

Mon-Fri kell 8.00 (all sports)
Gates are opened 7:45-8.10
Mon-Fri kell 10.00 (all sports)
Gates are opened 9:45-10.10
Mon-Fri kell 12.00 (all sports)
Gates are opened 11.45- 12.10
Mon-Fri kell 14.00 (all sports)
Gates are opened 13.45-14.10
Tue and Thu kell 18.00 (only gym)
Gates are opened 17.45-18.10


Student must also register to the Moodle course "MK 3001/3002 Basics of Physical Movement I and II" according to the chosen sport (ballgames, gym, group training). The password is ''Spordiklubi''

NB! In case of unethical behavior, the course is considered to be  failed IMMEDIATELY when it occurs (eg validation of a friend's card)!

During the introductory week (first week of study), the security gates are open to everyone. From then on, an ISIC card is required to enter.

NB! First week (02.09-06.09.2024) trainings only at 10 and 12!
09.09- 20.12.2024 Training starts:
Mon-Fri 8 am (all sports)
Mon-Fri 10 am (all sports)
Mon-Fri 12 am (all sports)
Mon-Fri 2 pm (all sports)
Tuesand  Thur 6 pm (gym)

Gym and ball trainings lasts 60-90 minutes and group trainings 55-60 minutes.

Regarding the timetable, TalTech Sports Club has the right to make changes during the semester, which will be reflected on the course's Facebook page the fastest.

Good to know!

  • The student must take a € 2 coin to use the locker in the locker room (it will be returned after using the locker). NB! The administrator does not have to exchange 2 € for you, so please bring it with you!
  • Changed footwear (clean indoor footwear) must be worn at the sports club.
  • It is advisable to always bring a water bottle, training towel and an ISIC card to your trainings.


  • Duration: 60 min
  • Coach: Meribel Saar
  • Type: strength
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • Strength and muscle conditioning class, which is mainly focused on abs, glutes and back but also includes other muscle groups. Starting with an aerobic warm-up the muscles are prepared for an efficient upcoming training. Different equipment is used as well as balance exercises. The class ends with stretching.

  • Duration: 60 min
  • Coach: Keidy Kütt
  • Type: body&mind
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic and active yoga class where all the asanas (yoga postures) are linked to each other by breath. This class will help you to improve your balance, flexibility and strength, but the main focus should be on the breath and being present. The class ends with savasana (relaxation). Class is done barefoot.

  • Duration: 60 min.
  • Coach: Risto Jamnes, Siim Raudla
  • Type: strength
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • Gym Circuit Training is a guided class in the gym, where exercises are done in different stations following given time-intervals. In the circuit training coaches use the equipment available in order to formulate an effective full-body workout - ropes, treadmill, sledge, CrossCore etc but also your own bodyweight exercises are used. Exercises are made following your own tempo and correct technique. The coaches give you regressions and progressions for all the exercises if needed. It's a full body workout where everyone is welcome.

  • Duration: 60-90 min
  • Coach: Risto Jamnes
  • Type: independent training
  • Suitable for: more experienced practitioners
  • Independent work in the gym. Everyone can use their own programs for exercising but trainers are still there so if needed they can help.

  • Duration: 60-90 min.
  • Coach: Maris Kajar
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • Muscular endurance training, where all major muscle groups get a trained. Both strength and muscular endurance are trained during the musical accompaniment.

  • Duration: 60-90 min.
  • Coach: Mart Joalaid 
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • Acrobatics develops strength, dexterity, body control, flexibility and posture. In weighted aerobics, training is performed with weights.

  • Duration: 60 min.
  • Coach: Risto Jamnes, Viktoria Kisseljova
  • Type: strength, endurance
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  •  General Physical Preparation is a guided class in the gym, where students work on general conditioning to improve strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, structure and skill. Exercises are made following your own tempo and correct technique. The coaches give you regressions and progressions for all the exercises if needed. It's a full body workout where everyone is welcome.

  • Duration: 60-90 min.
  • Coach: Heti-Helen Rohtla
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • A full-body cardio workout accompanied by music. In the first half of the class, movements are performed using step platforms, with the main focus on the thigh and glute muscles. In the second half, dumbbells are used to work all the major muscle groups. The final part of the class includes abdominal exercises, followed by light stretches to finish.

  • Duration: 60 min.
  • Coach: Maiken Sarv
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • The primary focus is on acquiring the skill to effectively engage the entire body to improve body awareness and enhance both physical and mental well-being.

  • Duration: 60-90 min.
  • Coach: Heti-Helen Rohtla
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • A dynamic yoga class that improves posture and joint mobility while strengthening muscles and enhancing flexibility and focus. Mobility yoga is ideal for stress relief and for times when muscles are tense or stiff from prolonged sitting. An important part of the class is the correct breathing technique. The class ends with a 5-10 minute Savasana, or final relaxation.

  • Duration: 60-90 min
  • Coach: Reelica Hanson
  • Type: guided training
  • Suitable for: all levels
  • A coordinated class where the trainer shares information about various exercises and, if necessary, teaches technical elements. There is also a tournament once a month.

  • Duration: 60-90 min
  • Coach: Reelica Hanson
  • Type: independent training
  • Suitable for: all levels
  • Independent work based on personal training programs, pairs will be formed prior to the class or at the beginning of training.

  • Duration: 60-90 min
  • Coach: Reelica Hanson
  • Type: Juhendatud treening
  • Suitable for: all levels
  • A coordinated class where the trainer shares information about various exercises and, if necessary, teaches technical elements. There is also a tournament once a month.

  • Duration: 60-90 min
  • Coach: Reelica Hanson
  • Type: independent training
  • Suitable for: all levels
  • Independent work based on personal training programs, pairs will be formed prior to the class or at the beginning of training.

  • Duration: 90 min.
  • Coach: Kris Killing
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
  • Under the guidance of a coach, students have the opportunity to come and play different ball games (soccer, basketball, volleyball, dodge ball, etc.). The coach is certainly open to the student's wishes regarding ball games. The opportunity to play independently will not disappear either.

  • Duration: 60-90 min.
  • Coach: Heti-Helen Rohtla
  • Type: Guided Training
  • Suitable for: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • A varied and intensive class that focuses on muscle endurance training. The workout is accompanied by music and begins with a short warm-up session. Exercises are performed at different stations during a set time interval, using both body weight and various training equipment. The class ends with light stretches.

Visiting Students and Students of the Open University

Six Estonian higher education institutions (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) have concluded an agreement under which students can listen to lectures in another higher education institution, where the level of the quality of studies is mutually acceptable.
The students of other higher education institutions can study in Tallinn University of Technology through Open University, where a tuition fee is charged for the studies.

How to become a visiting student at TalTech?

To become a visiting student of physical education, you need to submit a Visiting Student Application. More information how to submit the Visiting Student Application can be found here.

In order to participate in studies, the visiting students must declare the subject not later than by the deadline laid down in the academic calendar.

Recognition of the courses

Upon completion of the study period, the dean's office of the faculty shall issue an academic transcript (in the Estonian and English language) to the visiting student or forward it, at the request of the student, to his/her home university.

You can find more detailed information on the courses provided at Tallinn University of Technology from the TalTech study information system.

Students of the Open University can take the course at the Tallinn University of Technology under the same conditions as ordinary students. It is necessary to declare the subject and fulfill the study conditions (read text above).

However, students of the Open University cannot order an ISIC Student Card, which is necessary for attending  trainings at TalTech Sports Club. Instead of a student card, the student must come to the sports club on site and apply for an alternative card, but a deposit of € 10 must be paid for it, which can be returned after returning the card at the end of the training period!

Card can be applied for from the beginning of the semester on the second floor of TalTech Sports Club. 
