Tallinn University of Technology

Binding services

Binding is a fee-based service

The cost of a particular work depends on the type of the work and the chosen materials.

The service can be paid for in cash or by debit card at the library’s 2nd floor Service Centre or at the Information Desk.  

Bindery is located on the 1st floor of the library building, in room LIB-141.

Open Mon-Fri 8.00-15.00
Phone 620 3560
e-mail print@lib.taltech.ee

Binding the theses

We offer binding and colour printing of theses.

To ensure a proper result, send the PDF file of your job to print@lib.taltech.ee. Please include information about how many copies do you need and your chosen binding type when ordering the service via email.

Choose suitable covers for your thesis from the following options:

  • Hard binding, A4 format

  • Wire binding (clear PVC cover at the front, millboard cover at the back), A4 format

  • Spiral binding, A4 format