Tallinn University of Technology

Defended PhD Theses

  • Kaur Kullman defended his PhD thesis titled: "Interactive Stereoscopically Perceivable Multidimensional Data Visualizations for Cybersecurity" on 25 April 2023.
    Supervisor: Prof. Olaf Manuel Maennel (University of Adelaide, Australia). Co-supervisors: Prof. Don Engel (University of Maryland, U.S), Prof. Stefan Sütterlin (Tallinn University of Technology)
    Opponents: Dr Alexander Kott (U.S. Army Research Laboratory, U.S), Dr Simon Su (National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S), Dr Matthew Sorell (University of Adelaide, Australia)
  • Alejandro Guerra Manzanares defended his PhD thesis titled: "Machine Learning-Based Detection and Characterization of Evolving Threats in Mobile and IoT Systems" on 1 September 2022.
    Supervisor: Research Professor Dr. Hayretdin Bahsi (Tallinn University of Technology). Co-supervisors: Dr. Sven Nõmm (Tallinn University of Technology),  Assistant Professor Dr. Marcin Luckner (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
    Opponents: Professor Dr. Juan Manuel Corchado Rodriguez (University of Salamanca, Spain), Professor Dr. Ali Akbar Ghorbani (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
  • Tiia Sõmer defended her PhD thesis titled: "Modelling Financially Motivated Cyber Crime" on 3 May 2022.
    Supervisor: Prof. Rain Ottis (Tallinn University of Technology). Co-supervisor: Dr. Patrick Voss de Haan (Bundeskriminalamt, Germany)
    Opponents: Dr. Hervé Borrion (University College London / UCL Department of Security and Crime Science, UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science), Dr. Matti Näsi (Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki, Finland)
  • Mauno Pihelgas defended his PhD thesis titled: "Automating Defences against Cyber Operations in Computer Networks" on 11 August 2021.
    Supervisor: Dr. Risto Vaarandi (Tallinn University of Technology). Co-supervisor: Prof. Olaf Manuel Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology)
    Opponents: Prof. Dr. Anja Feldmann (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany), Prof. Dr. Jan Vykopal (Masaryk University, Czechia)
  • Kaie Maennel defended her PhD thesis titled: "Advancing Cybersecurity Education through Learning Analytics" on 16 June 2021.
    Supervisor: Prof. Rain Ottis (Tallinn University of Technology). Co-supervisor: Prof. Stefan Sütterlin (Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany)
    Opponents: Prof. Nickolas Falkner (University of Adelaide, Australia), Prof. Cornelius König (Saarland University, Germany)
  • Sten Mäses defended his PhD thesis titled: "Evaluating Cybersecurity-Related Competences through Simulation Exercises" on 16 December 2020.
    Supervisor: Prof. Olaf Manuel Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology). Co-supervisors Liina Randmann (Tallinn University of Technology) and Prof. Stefan Sütterlin (Østfold University College, Norway)
    Opponents: Prof. Nickolas Falkner (University of Adelaide, Australia), Prof. Petri Ihantola (University of Helsinki, Finland)
  • Ahto Truu defended his PhD thesis titled: "Hash-Based Server-Assisted Digital Signature Solutions" on 28 May 2020.
    Supervisor: Prof. Ahto Buldas (Tallinn University of Technology)
    Opponents: Ass. Prof. Andreas Hülsing (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), Ass. Prof. Elena Andreeva (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
  • Bernhards Blumbergs defended his PhD thesis titled: "Specialized Cyber Red Team Responsive Computer Network Operations" on 27 May 2019. Supervisors: Dr. Rain Ottis. Co-supervisor: Dr. Risto Vaarandi
    Opponents: Prof. Hiroki Takakura (National Institute of Informatics, Japan), Fregattenkapitän PD Dr. Dr. habil. Robert Koch (Bundeswehr University of Munich, Germany)