Tallinn University of Technology

Certificates of Proficiency in English

The Centre for Language and Communication of TalTech issues Certificates of English Language Proficiency based on:

  • Academic Communication in English Examination result (valid for 3 years) - €20 
  • English for Science and Research Examination result (valid for 3 years) - €20
  • English Language Proficiency Test Option 1 (a test + discussion) -€40 
  • English Language Proficiency Test Option 2 (writing, listening, reading, speaking) - €60 
  • Statement of Course Completion - €20

The procedure:
Payment for Certificate of English Language Proficiency should be made by bank transfer.
Payment Order should include the following details:
Beneficiary’s Name: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Beneficiary’s Bank Account:   EE201010052037382001 (SEB Pank AS)  or EE452200221013295225 (Swedbank AS) 

Payment Details (all three components should be included):

  • Certificate of English Language Proficiency
  • Object 01HL
  • Candidate’s name  

Application for Certificate of English Language Proficiency and a copy of Payment Order should be sent to  Aia Bondarenko.
Certificate of English Language Proficiency (.pdf document) will be forwarded to the candidate’s e-mail address within 5 working days of the  application, or completion of English Language Proficiency Test.