June 3-4, 2025
Scientific workshop on business implications of artificial intelligence. This is a hybrid event, taking place Online and on-site, Dept. of Business Administration of Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech), Akadeemia tee 3, Tallinn, ESTONIA. Free of charge for authors and participants. See more info at the workshop web page http://aibus.eu/workshop2025/
This workshop discusses artificial intelligence solutions at different forms, methods and levels of the organization and in different areas of the economy. Of interest are: AI at different levels of activity, e.g. machine, department, company; AI for different economic sectors; case studies of successfully implemented AI solutions etc. The focus can be a narrow one – on the individual company, entrepreneur, manager and their specific challenges. The focus can also be a wide one – at digitalization and AI in general; AI solutions and other. The workshop is planned with researchers and graduate students in mind, but we also expect presentations or participation from developers, industry experts, business people, undergraduate students and others. The workshop keywords include, but are not limited to: digital transformation, AI applications and implementation, virtual assistants, chatbots, industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, digital twins, massive monitoring, Internet of Things (IoT), business analytics, decision support systems, ethical AI, legal aspects of AI, safe AI, human factors etc.
Call for papers (for authors)
This workshop is calling for submissions of extended abstracts (2-5 pgs) on the topics related to AI and business. Download paper template here.
Publication: all accepted articles will be included in workshop proceedings, published by Taltech Press and made available as open access on Digital Collection of TalTech Library. Digital Collection is part of the European e-theses portal DART-Europe, the Directory of Open Access Repositories OpenDOAR and the Estonian e-repository E-Varamu.
Program committee
Henrijs Kaļķis, professor, University of Latvia, Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, Director of study programme “Industrial Engineering and Management”
Wolfgang Dieter Gerstlberger, Professor for Operations Management Department of Business Administration School of Business and Governance Tallinn University of Technology
Tarmo Kalvet, Adjunct professor, Sustainable Value Chain Management Unit, Department of Business Administration School of Business and Governance Tallinn University of Technology
Karin Reinhold, associate professor, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Business and Governance, Department of Business Administration
Tarmo Koppel, Organizing committee chair, lecturer, dept. of business administration of Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech)
Levan Bzhalava, Postdoctoral researcher, dept. of business administration of Taltech
Külle Tärnov, innovation manager, Smart cities competence center, Taltech
Olga Tšernikova, Doctoral student, dept. of business administration of Taltech.
Contact us
Email: workshop(ät)aibus.eu
Thew workshop takes place at Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 3, Tallinn, Estonia. On digital public services, Estonia is already well-known for being a top performer. Now the business digitalisation is following with AI being next evolutionary step in digital transformation. Estonia is the forerunner in integrating digital technologies, because the citizens, businesses and the government have embraced internet and technology into the society. In 2007 it became the first country to allow online voting in a general election. In 2002, Estonia launched a high-tech national ID system. National physical ID cards enable businesses to foster digital services as cards are paired with digital signatures. Estonians use ID cards to go online to pay taxes, vote, do online banking and access their health care records. Another key feature of Estonia’s digital society is e-Residency, a first-of-its-kind initiative that allows individuals to start businesses in the country without living there. The program serves as a launching pad for companies looking to do business in the European Union (EU) and benefit from the EU’s single market. Estonia ranks 1st place in the EU on Digital public services and continues to be a firm leader in this area.
Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech) is the leading technology university in Estonia and the backbone of country’s innovation. We invite you to be part of this workshop which is focused on business aspects of digital innovation, namely artificial intelligence.
Supported by

This workshop is supported by TalTech Industrial project. TalTech Industrial has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952410.