Tallinn University of Technology

Development of a test bench for wheel testing including the associated digital twin

This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.


Project overview


Autonomous driving is no longer just an idea of technology vision, instead a real technical trend all over the world. The continuing development to a further level of autonomy requires more from energy optimization. The optimization of electric propulsion drive systems of self-driving electric vehicles by using autonomous and monitoring sensors are not often discussed. The goal of the proposal is to develop a specialized unsupervised prognosis and control platform for such energy system performance estimation. This goal requires the development of several test platforms and digital twins. A digital twin is composed of three components – the physical entities in the real world, their virtual models, and the connected data/view that ties the two worlds together. The project "Digital twin for propulsion drive of an autonomous electric vehicle" from TalTech Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Research Group has been supported by the Estonian Research Council under grant PSG453.



On the 17th of October, in a hallmark event at Hochschule Stralsund, Germany, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) presented a range of innovative research topics spearheaded by its academicians and scholars.
Prof. Anton Rassõlkin initiated the proceedings with his lecture on the "Digital twin for propulsion drive of autonomous electric vehicle". Following suit, PhD student Viktor Rjabtšikov explained the "Development Methodology for creating the Digital Twin for Propulsion Drive of an Electric Vehicle". Mahmoud Ibrahim delved deeper into advanced applications for the said digital twin, providing insights into its endless potential. Daniil Valme then switched gears by introducing the audience to the utilization of hyperspectral imaging onboard unmanned ground vehicles.
The dynamic showcase also witnessed a presentation by PhD student Rolando Antonio Gilbert Zequera, focusing on diagnostics of energy storage systems through digital representation. Another highlight was master's student Diana Belolipetskaja's introduction to the "TalTech Bosch Future Mobility Challenge" - to TalTech's commitment to pioneering mobility solutions.

In a unique blend of academia and real-world application, master’s student Robin Köppe of Hochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences (HOST) shared his master thesis about the development of a test bench for wheel testing along with the digital twin's integration. Robin Köppe also recounted his enriching internship experience at TalTech.
Amidst the series of presentations, attendees also had the invaluable opportunity to personally meet and interact with Prof. Micheal Bierhoff of Hochschule Stralsund. The discussions revolved around the potential for collaboration and joint endeavors, underscoring the importance of building bridges between institutions.
The event was not just limited to lectures. It was an interactive platform for the students present, who seized the opportunity to learn more about the ongoing projects at TalTech and the opportunities to study in Estonia as exchange students.
This collaboration between TalTech and Hochschule Stralsund is a testament to the ever-growing bonds of international academic cooperation, paving the way for a brighter and more interconnected future in research and education.
This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.

Public presentation in Stralsund of the research in the project "Digital twin for propulsion drive of an autonomous electric vehicle". The lecture will be held by the TalTech Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Research Group consisting of project leader Prof. Anton Rassõlkin, Viktor Rjabtšikov, Mahmoud Ibrahim, Daniil Valme, Rolando Antonio Gilbert Zequera and Robin Köppe. Master’s student Robin Köppe from HOST will also present other students his experience of working within the research group abroad. The lecture will take place at Room HS3 at Hochschule Stralsund (Zur Schwedenschanze 15, 18435 Stralsund, Germany) on Tuesday, 17.10.2023 at 08:00AM. The lecture will be held in English.  The following topics will be presented during the lecture:

  • “Digital twin for propulsion drive of autonomous electric vehicle” (Prof. Anton Rassõlkin, TalTech)
  • “Development Methodology for creating the Digital Twin for Propulsion Drive of an Electric Vehicle” (PhD student Viktor Rjabtšikov, TalTech)
  • “Advanced application of the Middleware Services for the Digital Twin of an Autonomous Electric Vehicle Propulsion Drive” (PhD student Mahmoud Ibrahim, TalTech)
  • “Using hyperspectral imaging onboard of unmanned ground vehicles for inspection and navigation purposes” (PhD student Daniil Valme, TalTech)
  • “Methodology for Diagnostics of Energy Storage Systems Based on System Digital Representation” (PhD student Rolando Antonio Gilbert Zequera, TalTech)
  • “Master thesis: Development of a test bench for wheel testing including the associated digital twin + Experience of the internship at TalTech” (Master’s student Robin Köppe, HOST)


German version

Dieses Projekt des Baltisch-Deutschen Hochschulkontors wird durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amtes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gefördert.

Autonomes Fahren ist nicht mehr nur eine technologische Idee oder Vision, sondern ein realer technischer Trend auf der ganzen Welt. Die Weiterentwicklung zu einer weiteren Stufe der Autonomie erfordert mehr von der Energieoptimierung. Die Optimierung von elektrischen Antriebssystemen selbstfahrender Elektrofahrzeuge durch den Einsatz von autonomen und überwachenden Sensoren wird bisher wenig diskutiert. Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, eine spezialisierte, unüberwachte Prognose- und Steuerungsplattform für die Leistungsabschätzung solcher Energiesysteme zu entwickeln. Dieses Ziel erfordert die Entwicklung von mehreren Testplattformen und digitalen Zwillingen. Ein digitaler Zwilling besteht aus drei Komponenten - den physischen Einheiten in der realen Welt, ihren virtuellen Modellen und den verbundenen Daten/Ansichten, die die beiden Welten miteinander verbinden. Das Projekt "Digitaler Zwilling für den Antrieb eines autonomen Elektrofahrzeugs" der TalTech-Forschungsgruppe für Mechatronik und autonome Systeme wurde vom estnischen Forschungsrat mit dem Zuschuss PSG453 unterstützt.

Öffentliche Präsentation in Stralsund der Forschung im Projekt "Digitaler Zwilling für den Antrieb eines autonomen Elektrofahrzeugs". Der Vortrag wird von der TalTech-Forschungsgruppe für Mechatronik und autonome Systeme gehalten, die aus dem Projektleiter Prof. Anton Rassõlkin, Viktor Rjabtšikov, Mahmoud Ibrahim, Daniil Valme, Rolando Antonio Gilbert Zequera und Robin Köppe besteht. HOST-Masterstudent Robin Köppe wird auch anderen Studenten seine Erfahrungen mit der Arbeit in der Forschungsgruppe im Ausland vorstellen. Die Vorlesung wird in Raum HS3 an der Hochschule Stralsund (Zur Schwedenschanze 15, 18435 Stralsund, Deutschland) am Dienstag, 17.10.2023 um 08:00Uhr stattfinden. Die Vorlesung wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden und behandelt folgende Themen:

  • “Digital twin for propulsion drive of autonomous electric vehicle” (Prof. Anton Rassõlkin, TalTech)
  • “Development Methodology for creating the Digital Twin for Propulsion Drive of an Electric Vehicle” (Doktorant Viktor Rjabtšikov, TalTech)
  • “Advanced application of the Middleware Services for the Digital Twin of an Autonomous Electric Vehicle Propulsion Drive” (Doktorant Mahmoud Ibrahim, TalTech)
  • “Using hyperspectral imaging onboard of unmanned ground vehicles for inspection and navigation purposes” (Doktorant Daniil Valme, TalTech)
  • “Methodology for Diagnostics of Energy Storage Systems Based on System Digital Representation” (Doktorant Rolando Antonio Gilbert Zequera, TalTech)
  • “Master thesis: Development of a test bench for wheel testing including the associated digital twin + Experience of the internship at TalTech” (Masterstudent Robin Köppe, HOST)