Aim of the course:
To equip students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in digital transformation, organizational development, ethical and sustainable business practices, and digital marketing. The programme aims to prepare students to navigate and lead in the digital era, fostering an understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with digital technologies, organizational change, and ethical business management.
Students will gain insights into how digital technologies are radically changing competitive dynamics across industries, analyze the mindset of digital disruptors, and understand the opportunities and risks associated with digital transformation. They will also develop a thorough understanding of organizational development and change management, including methods and diagnostics used in the OD process at different levels. Additionally, the programme will enhance students' knowledge and skills for managing business activities in a socially responsible, ethical, and sustainable manner, covering professional ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and sustainable marketing. Finally, students will receive a systematic overview of the digitalisation of marketing channels and activities, the structure of the digital advertising industry, and the technologies and platform types shaping it.
Does this combined aim meet your needs?
Target group:
People interested in digital and sustainable business management who want to gain deeper knowledge of the field in smaller modules.
Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification.
MMO5580 / Digital Transformations / 6ECT / spring
MMO5490 / Organization Development and Change Management / 6ECT / spring
MMO5590 / Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability / 6ECT / autumn
MMM5490 / Digitalisation of Marketing / 6ECT / autumn
Study results:
After completing the programme, the student:
- knows the main principles and keys terms regarding digital transformation and digital businesses;
- understands the role of leadership and strategies in digital transformation;
- is aware of what is needed to develop and manage digital businesses;
- understands the link between transformation and change management;
- understands what is needed to change individuals from a psychological perspective;
- knows theories and processes of change management and can also apply them in different situations.
-knows and defines the basic definitions of the organisation development process;
- identifies and describes the main phases of the OD process and names the most relevant methods in OD;
- demonstrates an ability to use right theory tools in organisational development / change process at different levels of the organisation;
- analyses manager’s role in an organisational development process.
- knows the theoretical foundations of ethics and business ethics, the main principles of corporate social responsibility and the relationship between market economy and business ethics;
- is able to analyse and solve ethical dilemmas by applying a framework for making ethical decision;
- understands the principles of socially responsible businesses and the scope of sustainable marketing;
- knows the role of sustainability in international operations.
-is familiar with the digital advertising ecosystem and its terminology;
- assesses the value of the advertising technology offered to an organisation;
- evaluates the digital media know-how offered to an organisation;
- is familiar with digital marketing tools and their evolving technological capabilities in order to apply them to marketing and sales;
- explains the role and opportunities of big data in modern marketing;
- evaluates the effectiveness of the application of marketing technology in an organisation and its suitability for business plans.
Graduation document:
TalTech certificate
MMO5580 Mari-Klara Stein, Tarmo Koppel; MMO5490 Maryna Starodubska; MMO5590 Merle Ojasoo, Eliis Salm; MMM5490 Kaarel Oja
contact study: 256 academic hours
autonomous/other study: 384 academic hours
Katrin Arvola, 620 4008,; TalTch avatud õppe keskus, 620 3600,
1680 €/participant
Registration deadline:
22.01.2025 23:59
Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification.
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Ehitajate tee 5
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Ehitajate tee 5
1680 €/participant
contact study:
256 academic hours
autonomous/other study:
384 academic hours
Curriculum group:
Accounting and taxation
Katrin Arvola, 620 4008,; TalTch avatud õppe keskus, 620 3600,