Courses: A - BIAG0010 Advanced Course in Programming IView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0041 Advanced Digital Image ProcessingView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0089 Advanced Programmable Logic ControllersView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0089 Advanced Programmable Logic ControllersView subject details from ÕIS. IAG0090 Algorithms and Data StructuresView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0090 Algorithms and Data StructuresView subject details from ÕIS. IAG0450 Analysis of Programming LanguagesView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0450 Analysis of Programming LanguagesView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0020 Automatic Control and Systems AnalysisView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0021 Automatic Control SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0080 Automation and Process ControlView subject details from ÕIS. EMR0040 Basic BiomechanicsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0230 Basics of Embedded SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0230 Basics of Embedded SystemsView subject details from ÕIS.
Courses: CISC9610 Circuits and Systems TheoryView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0011 Circuits, Systems, SignalsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0012 Circuits, Systems, SignalsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0011 Circuits, Systems, SignalsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0012 Circuits, Systems, SignalsView subject details from ÕIS. IXX1430 Computer and Systems Engineering ProjectView subject details from ÕIS. IXX1530 Computer and Systems Engineering ProjectView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0520 Computer ArchitecturesView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0140 Computer Arithmetic and LogicView subject details from ÕIS. ISP0040 Computer NetworksView subject details from ÕIS. IAF0320 Computer Systems EngineeringView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0320 Computer Systems EngineeringView subject details from ÕIS. IAF0041 ComputersView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0043 ComputersView subject details from ÕIS. IAS1420 Computers and Systems ProjectView subject details from ÕIS. IXX1420 Computers and Systems ProjectView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0065 Control InstrumentationView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0065 Control InstrumentationView subject details from ÕIS. ISS9630 Control of Dynamic SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0121 Control SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0100 Cyber-ElectronicsView subject details from ÕIS. ISP1410 Cyber-Physical SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0120 Cyber-Tech SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0150 Cybersystems: Troubleshooting and DesignView subject details from ÕIS.
Courses: D - EIAF0530 Dependability and Fault ToleranceView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0530 Dependability and Fault ToleranceView subject details from ÕIS. IAF9530 Dependable SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAF0610 Design for TestView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0610 Design for TestView subject details from ÕIS. IAY9150 Design of Digital System - Advanced Course IView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0040 Digital Image ProcessingView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0042 Digital Image Processing 3View subject details from ÕIS. IAS0150 Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0150 Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0600 Digital Systems DesignView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0600 Digital Systems DesignView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0600 Digital Systems Design with VHDLView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0340 Digital Systems Modeling and SynthesisView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0010 Discrete MathematicsView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0010 Discrete MathematicsView subject details from ÕIS. IXX9601 Doctoral Seminar IView subject details from ÕIS. IXX9602 Doctoral Seminar IIView subject details from ÕIS. IXX9603 Doctoral Seminar IIIView subject details from ÕIS. IXX9611 Doctoral Teaching Practice IView subject details from ÕIS. IXX9612 Doctoral Teaching Practice IIView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0052 Electrical and Electronics EngineeringView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0330 Embedded SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0330 Embedded SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0050 Engineering MeasurementsView subject details from ÕIS.
Courses: F - OIAF9550 Fault Location and Error Diagnosis in Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAG0420 Foundations and Management of Cyber SecurityView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0420 Foundations and Management of Cyber SecurityView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0110 Human CommunicationView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0720 Industrial TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. IXX0750 Industrial TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. IAG7901 InformaticsView subject details from ÕIS. IBX0030 Innovation and Creative Problem SolvingView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0190 Intelligent BuildingsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0023 Intelligent Control SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0023 Intelligent Control SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0120 Introduction to Control EngineeringView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0130 Introduction to Control SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0001 Introduction to SpecialityView subject details from ÕIS. IXX0510 Introduction to the SpecialityView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0430 Microprocessor SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0010 Microprocessor SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0031 Modeling and IdentificationView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0031 Modeling and IdentificationView subject details from ÕIS. ISS9620 Modelling of Dynamic SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0410 Object Oriented ProgrammingView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0030 Operating SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. ISC0031 Operating SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAY9610 Optimization Algorithms for Hardware SynthesisView subject details from ÕIS.
Courses: P - RIAY0700 Practical TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0720 Practical TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0710 Practical TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0720 Practical TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. IXX0700 Practical TrainingView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0130 Process ControlView subject details from ÕIS. IAF0520 Programmable LogicView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0079 Programmable Logic ControllersView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0179 Programmable Logic ControllersView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0050 ProgrammingView subject details from ÕIS. IAG0581 Programming IView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0583 Programming IView subject details from ÕIS. IAG0582 Programming IIView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0584 Programming IIView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0585 Programming in C and C++View subject details from ÕIS. IAS0470 Research SeminarView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0060 RoboticsView subject details from ÕIS. IBX0060 RoboticsView subject details from ÕIS.
Courses: S - VISS0090 Smart HousesView subject details from ÕIS. IAG0100 Software EngineeringView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0110 Software EngineeringView subject details from ÕIS. IAS1410 Software ProjectView subject details from ÕIS. IXX1410 Software ProjectView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0351 Special Course on Digital Technics IView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0354 Special Course on Digital Technics IView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0352 Special Course on Digital Technics IIView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0355 Special Course on Digital Technics IIView subject details from ÕIS. ISS0010 System TheoryView subject details from ÕIS. ISS1011 System TheoryView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0250 Systems TestingView subject details from ÕIS. IAX0250 Systems TestingView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0550 Systems-on-Chip DesignView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0550 Systems-on-Chip DesignView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0730 Teaching PracticeView subject details from ÕIS. IXX0760 Teaching PracticeView subject details from ÕIS. IAF0050 Testing of Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAF0620 Verification of Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAS0620 Verification of Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS. IAY0610 Verification of Digital SystemsView subject details from ÕIS.