Tallinn University of Technology

Special Sessions

Special Sessions are listed below. Feel free to study their scope and contribute your papers to one of them if it feels more suitable than the technical tracks.

SS1 - Advanced Control Techniques for Power Electronics Converters

Hasan Komurcugil, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey
Sertac Bayhan, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Ramon Guzman, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

SS1 Call for Papers

SS2 - Design and Implementation Issues of Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics and Motor Drives

Naki Guler, Gazi University, Turkey
Sertac Bayhan, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Haitham Abu-Rub, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar

SS2 Call for Papers

SS3 - AI-Driven Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Pawan Kumar Pathak, Banasthali Vidyapith, India
Innocent Kamwa, Laval University, Canada

SS3 Call for Papers

SS4 - Power Electronics Controlled Hybrid Energy Systems

Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Pawan Kumar Pathak, Banasthali Vidyapith, India
Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Denmark

SS4 Call for Papers

SS5 - Future-Proof Power Electronic Systems and Control for Residential Microgrids

Edivan Laercio Carvalho, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Carlos Roncero-Clemente, University of Extremadura, Spain
Vitor Fernão Pires, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal
Sebastian Rivera, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

SS5 Call for Papers

SS6 - Advanced Multilevel Converters with DC Capacitors: Topology, Modulation, Voltage Balancing, and Control Strategies

Mohamed Trabelsi, Kuwait College of Science and Technology, Kuwait
Hani Vahedi, Ossiaco Inc, Montreal, Canada

SS6 Call for Papers

SS7 - Advanced Control of Grid-Connected Converters for Distributed Generation and Power Quality

Hadi Kanaan, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon
Fadia Sebaaly, Hydro-Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Kamal Al-Haddad, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, Canada
Hasan Komurcugil, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey

SS7 Call for Papers

SS8 - Power Electronics for Wind-PV-Fuel Energy Conversion and Control Schemes

Sagar Bhaskar Mahajan, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Gamal Hussien, Tanta University, Egypt
Dhafer Almakhles, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

SS8 Call for Papers

SS9 - Advancement in DC-DC Power Electronics Converter for Renewable Energy

Kiran Pandav, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Denmark
Sagar Bhaskar Mahajan, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabi

SS9 Call for Papers

SS10 - Advanced Power Electronics for Medium and High Power Applications

Pradyumn Chaturvedi, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India
Hadi Kanaan, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon

Ramsha Karampuri, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India

SS10 Call for Papers

SS11 - Demand Side Flexibility and Energy Management

Roya Ahmadiahangar, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Argo Rosin,  Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Poria Divshali, Aalto University, Finland
João Martins, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNINOVA-CTS), Portugal

SS11 Call for Papers

SS12 - Stability Analysis and Design of Grid-Connected Converters

Shan He, Aalborg University, Denmark
Meng Chen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dao Zhou, Aalborg University, Denmark

SS12 Call for Papers

Call for Special Sessions - CLOSED

Special Session proposals are solicited covering special topics in all emerging research areas of interest for IES, particularly for themes not covered by the regular tracks. Special sessions provide the opportunity to focus in detail on particular emerging topics, which are not reflected in the list of conference tracks or represent a specific working field where researchers would like to meet and discuss advances.

Special Sessions Chairs

Sertac Bayhan, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Jose Leon, University of Seville, Spain

Sheldon Williamson, Ontario Tech University, Canada


Special session proposal deadline — 4 December 2022

Special Session Proposal Acceptance Notification — 11 December 2022

Proposal Content

If you intend to propose and organize a special session, please provide the committee with a proposal using the provided template (MS Word) and including the following information:

  • Title of the Special Session.
  • Brief description of the area of concern (approx. 100 words), with special focus on why this is an interesting and significant topic.
  • The name and contact information of not more than 4 special session chairs, who are willing to promote and organize a sufficient amount of quality submissions to the special session. Please also indicate the background of the organizers.
  • A list of potential authors and their affiliations.
  • A list of potential reviewers and their affiliations.
  • The sponsoring IES Technical Committee(s). Please attach a confirmation email from the TC chair(s).
  • An individual can be (co‐)organizer of up to TWO Special Sessions.

Download the template

Organization of special sessions


Once approved, it is the duty of the special session organizers to publicize the Special Session among researchers and practitioners in the field and attract a sufficient number of papers. The general organizing committee will support the Special Session organizers by sending a general call for papers for the general tracks and the special sessions through the IES and IEEE emailing lists.

Review Process

Papers submitted to special sessions will undergo the same review process as regular papers. The special session organizers are responsible for organizing the review process of their respective special session, assuring at least three non-conflicting reviews per paper. It is expected that the special session organizers will invite and assign reviewers to their special session. During the review period, your role is to ensure timely delivery by the reviewers. The acceptance recommendation for the Special Session papers is expected to be made by the special session co-chairs within the designated deadline.

After the final manuscripts are received, special session co-chairs are expected to check if the authors have addressed the critical comments of reviewers.

Conflict of Interest

Before starting the review process, special session organizers must explicitly declare papers that present a conflict of interest for them. A conflict of interest arises where the judgment of a paper quality can be influenced by the organizers being authors or knowing some of the authors. To ensure independent reviews, this conflict must be marked as such in the submission system, and the SS Co-Chairs notified so that they can arrange the review process.


During the review process, Special Session Organizers must take into account that:

  1. An individual cannot be (co‐)author of more than two papers submitted to the same Special Session.
  2. Papers from organizers cannot exceed 60% of the contents of the Special Session.

Successful Special Session

A minimum of 6 accepted papers (with timely paid participation fees) with authors from at least 3 independent institutions and two different countries is required for each session. If a session has too few papers, accepted papers will be allocated to regular sessions wherever possible. In case of indications of weakly organized special sessions, the conference organizers will support the organizers with advice but reserve measures, including cancellation of the respective special session.

Conference Registration Waiver

Organizers of successful Special Sessions must register for and attend the conference and chair the corresponding sessions. One complimentary full registration will be provided to successful Special Sessions with at least 6 papers.

Session Chairs

When a Special Session is finally accepted by the conference, Special Session organizers will serve as Session chairs in the conference. In case of exceptional circumstances, the Technical Program Chairs and Conference General Chairs might take up full control of appointing the Session Chairs should the Special Session organizers be unable to participate in the conference.

Proposal Submission

Please send your proposal in PDF format to cpepowereng2023@taltech.ee. Proposals must be sent before the deadline.