Tallinn University of Technology

IES SYP Morning

IES SYP Morning will be a new format of mentoring events for the student and young professional (SYP) members of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. This event will provide IEEE IES SYP members with a unique opportunity to ask questions and get professional advice directly from IEEE Fellows, IES President, IES AdCom members, and experienced colleagues. We encourage all conference participants to join!

The IES SYP Morning will be organized by the IEEE IES Students and Young Professionals Activity Committee (SYP-AC). It will take place on Thursday, June 15, from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. and include the following activities:

  • Ice-breaking coffee and snacks with Mentors.
  • Three SYP keynotes from world-renowned experts:
    • F.Z. Peng (Florida State University, USA) and C.C. Liu (Virginia Tech, USA)
      Envisioning the Future Renewable and Resilient Energy Grids — 
      a Power Grid Revolution Enabled by Renewables, Energy Storage, and Power Electronics
    • R. Teodorescu (Aalborg University, Denmark)
      Smart Battery — The Next Generation of Battery Management Technology!
    • P. Bauer (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
      Digital Energy
  • Presentation of 3-min videos from the winners of IES-SYPA.
  • Informal mentorship session.

Please direct your questions about the IES SYP Morning to the local coordinator - Dr. Edivan Carvalho.

Join IEEE IES to be eligible for the IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistance Program (IES-SYPA).

IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistance Program

The Young Professionals & Student Activity Committee (YPS-AC) of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES) offers financial support to the IEEE IES Student members to attend IES conferences.

Winners of IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistance (ranked by final score):

  1. Miad Ahmadi, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  2. Alvaro Carreno, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile / Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  3. Moria Sassonker, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
  4. Isavella Koukoula, Tampere University, Finland
  5. Rafael Souza Baquero, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  6. Przemysław Trochimiuk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  7. Satish Naik Banavath, Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, India
  8. Riccardo Mandrioli, University of Bologna, Italy
  9. Shan He, Aalborg University, Denmark
  10. Uğur Fesli̇, Gazi University, Turkey

The conference organizing committee extends congratulations to the winners of the IES SYPA.

Dear winners, please read all the information on this page carefully and comply with all the requirements imposed on the winners of the IES SYPA.

How to Apply

  1. You MUST be a member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
  2. You MUST have a paper accepted at the conference and be the person who will present it.
  3. You MUST be on the list of paper's authors in the submission system. If your name appears in the PDF file, but it is not explicitly indicated in the submission system, you cannot apply.
  4. Your paper should be registered (paid for).
  5. Ensure that your account in the IEEE-IES submission system has set your status correctly - activate toggle buttons corresponding to your status. A person could be an IEEE Student member, an IEEE Young Professional member, or both.
  6. In the submission system, you will be able to submit an application following THIS short guide.
  7. The 3-minute video should correspond to THESE tips and requirements. The same PDF explains the reimbursement procedure.


  • IES SYPA Application submission deadline – April 30, 2023, 23:59 GMT-7. (Late applications will not be considered)
  • Feedback on the video – May 3, 2023. (You will receive an email with our recommendations/comments from the submission system).
  • Submission of the final 3-minute video – May 7, 2023, 23:59 GMT-7. (The submission system will allow you to modify and resubmit your EXISTING application).
  • Announcement of winners – May 14, 2023.

Keep in mind

  • Paper and video will be both evaluated, and their quality will directly influence the final ranking of an applicant.
  • You will be given only ONE chance to improve your video.
  • Late submissions will not be considered.
  • Winners MUST present their videos in person during the IES SYP Morning on June 15.
  • Winners MUST follow the requirements about sharing the video on Facebook and IEEE Collabratec, as instructed.
  • Only one assistance could be applied for each paper.

For the CPE-POWERENG’2023 we have pre-allocated TEN IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistances (IES-SYPA) up to US$1500 each.

It should be pointed out that if many applicants have obtained a high score, the committee can reduce the travel assistance amount to US$1000 per applicant. This exceptional measure is in order to support the travel of a higher number of excellent applicants.

The conditions to apply for the IES SYPA are:

  • please take into account that IEEE IES must follow the general rules of IEEE related to OFAC Sanctions Programs. For more details, you may ask The Legal and Compliance Department available to assist with reviewing any questions that you may have with respect to OFAC or other compliance matters, 

  • be an active IEEE IES Student and/or YPs Member,

  • reside outside the city in which the conference is held,

  • have a paper accepted at the conference and be the person who will present it,

  • the manuscript should be fully registered.

Please be advised that the final decision will be made based on the quality of the paper and the quality of the 3-minute VIDEO. Both are important to be selected.

The IEEE IES Manuscript Submission System (MSS) will show the button to apply for the paper travel assistance only if at least one author has the student’s and/or young professional’s checkbox checked and only after the final version of the manuscript has already been submitted.

A paper cannot be supported by more than one travel assistance. A person cannot receive more than one travel assistance each year. YPS interested in the IEEE IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistances Program should fill up the application available in the conference MSS and follow all steps indicated in the form. They should clearly indicate their IEEE membership number and their paper reference number. All material should be submitted in PDF format on the form in the MSS.

Paper assistance applications submitted by YPS will be evaluated by a committee consisting of the Chair of the Young Professionals & Student Activity Committee, the IES President, the Conference General Chair, and the IES Treasurer.

In case the number of applicants exceeds the budget, preference will be given to:

  • YPS with the best-qualified papers according to the reviews scores,

  • YPS who have not benefited from this program in the last two years,

  • When it comes to the ISIE and the IECON, YPS authors from the Students & Young Professionals Forum (IES-SF) have priority.

The deadline for applying for assistance under the IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistance (IES-SYPA) Program is the manuscript acceptance date plus two weeks.

Some further notes are also summarized below:

  • A three-minute speech (3Ms) + film and project hardware demonstration (if applicable) during the conference is mandatory to receive the IES-SYPA. See more details on how to prepare three-minute speech + movie about your project on the IEEE IES website (ieee-ies.org).

  • YPS who are selected for the IES-SYPA should post their 3-minutes’ films on the associated IEEE Collabratec and IES Facebook event page at the following links:

IEEE Collabratec®

IEEE IES Facebook

→ The Applicants should send the link of their video files to the YPS-AC Co-Chair of the three-minutes speeches (3Ms) + movies to upload them to the IEEE IES YouTube Channel.

→ So, please prepare the video to be interesting for public viewers.

  • The diplomas for the IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistances (IES-SYPA) will be given during the conference, usually at the Gala Dinner.

  • YPS should also post their photos from the conference and/or the ceremony to the related event on the IES Facebook page.

  • The documents to be filled and sent to the IEEE IES Treasurer are as per the Expense Reimbursement Procedures listed on the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Treasurer Information.