Accounting Research Group
Keywords: international accounting harmonisation, financial performance evaluation, critical perspectives in accounting, ESG reporting, accounting education, real-time accounting and digitisation, costing and budgeting, strategic management accounting, green accounting, cash flow management, earnings management, accounting for financial innovations, performance management
The accounting research group is active in various related research fields, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research is interdisciplinary and uses critical research methods to explore some of the above research themes. The group has active and growing links with business organisations both in Estonia and worldwide and is also actively consulting Estonian government institutions on their strategic development and training programmes of their members.

I have collaborated with TalTech since 2010. From 1998 to 2017, I studied and worked at the Prague University of Economics and Business, where I earned my PhD in Finance and Accounting in 2005. Since 2017, I have been a full professor in the Department of Finance and Accounting at Škoda Auto University. I have practical experience collaborating with SMEs and audit companies on securities and derivatives reporting, hedge accounting, and working with national offices like the Czech Statistical Office on data interpretation from financial statements. 2011-2021, I served as president of the Association of Czech Professional Accountants and developed the current accounting certification scheme for the Union of Accountants CR.
Mandatory annual report filings of private companies – why late or missing? (2024) Kirsti Rumma, Laivi Laidroo, Merle Küttim, Mari Avarmaa, Paavo Siimann
The interplay of entrepreneurial ecosystem actors and conditions in FinTech ecosystems: An empirical analysis (2022) Mari Avarmaa, Laivi Laidroo, Lasse Torkkeli, Ekaterina Koroleva
Decade of Sustainability Reporting in EU: Main Changes and Trends. Case of Companies Listed on NASDAQ OMX Baltic Main List (2022) Natalie Aleksandra Gurvitš-Suits
The pervasive role of accounting and accountability during the COVID-19 emergency (2022) Sefik Istemihan Demirag
Anna Litvinenko. AI in Credit Risk Management Processes (principal supervisor Mari Avarmaa, co-supervisor Mari-Klara Stein)
Entrepreneurship Research Group
Keywords: entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial competencies; entrepreneurial growth; knowledge management; knowledge risk management, risk management, internationalization of entrepreneurial organizations; rural entrepreneurship; innovation management; social entrepreneurship; ecosystems (including entrepreneurial ecosystem and university ecosystem); responsible digitalization and sustainable business development; resilient organizations
The entrepreneurship research group brings together academic scholars from diverse backgrounds to investigate how new and established entrepreneurial firms develop and apply their entrepreneurial competencies and organisational knowledge in their quest to apply present and future business opportunities in a sustainable way.
The group’s research efforts focus on value creation through responsible entrepreneurship, i.e., value creation through development and applying one’s competencies and organisational knowledge with sustainability as a key factor. In this light, the mission of the research group extends from education to entrepreneurial individuals to entrepreneurial teams and to other forms of entrepreneurial organisation. The advancement of the study of entrepreneurship education is an important focus of research, with the idea that entrepreneurial education should begin in the early stages of an individual’s higher education at the latest.
The ways in which small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can achieve sustainable growth from both domestic and international markets form the core of the research group’s focus. The roles of business transfers, knowledge management, crisis management, business model innovation, digitalisation, creativity and innovation, and knowledge and innovation ecosystems that facilitate growth and internationalisation of SMEs are of particular interest.
In all its activities, the research group encourages research on how responsibility and digital business transformation can drive entrepreneurship research at national and international level, and across the two.
Research efforts aim at working with entrepreneurial and future-oriented minds to nurture and sustain entrepreneurship ecosystem where knowledge and innovative methods and approaches are transferred smoothly and successfully across the research field and society.
The group’s activities contribute to the different forms of entrepreneurship relevant for Estonia, the Baltic region, and the European Union and is supported by several contracts and funding from different sources. By being involved in national and international networks of different kinds, the group’s activities can make an impact on present and upcoming societal challenges. Regarding entrepreneurship education, the aim is to increase the employability of graduates in the labour market but also to increase entrepreneurship and new venture creation.
The research provides a thorough and up-to-date look into:
- Start-up and business transfer through sustainable growth from small- or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Entrepreneurship education
- Business Models Innovation
- Knowledge management and crisis management
- Internationalisation of entrepreneurial firms
- Redesign of the entrepreneurship perspective in the case of unexpected events in the environment

Aki Harima is an Associate Professor in the Entrepreneurship and International Business Unit. From 2013 to 2024, Aki served as a research associate at the Chair of Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen in Germany. During this time, she co-initiated and organized the International Conference on Migration and Diaspora Entrepreneurship. Aki has been an active member of the Editorial Review Board of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development since 2023. Her primary research interests include investigating entrepreneurial ecosystems, transnational entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship support mechanisms, and entrepreneurship education. In recent years, Aki has focused her research on the entrepreneurial potential of refugees in various contexts, such as Syrian refugees in Europe, Ukrainian refugees in Eastern Europe, and Somali refugees in Western East Africa. Additionally, she has dedicated her efforts to examining the early evolution of regional ecosystems in different countries, including Chile, Namibia, and Estonia. Aki's international teaching experiences span across Germany, the UK, Namibia, South Africa, and Mexico. Notably, she was honoured with the Berninghausen Prize for Excellent Teaching and Innovation, Germany's oldest teaching prize.
Sirje Ustav, PhD ETIS CV
Jan Harima, PhD ETIS CV
Susanne Durst, PhD ETIS CV
Basel Hammoda, PhD ETIS CV
Urve Venesaar, PhD ETIS CV
Marianne Kallaste ETIS CV
Airi Noppel ETIS CV
Ekaterina Demiankova ETIS CV
Elisabeth Kraut ETIS CV
Tommaso Aguzzi ETIS CV
Talshyn Tokyzhanova ETIS CV
Jaime Joel Rodriguez Santiago ETIS CV
Ruzlin Akter ETIS CV
Ecosystem Orchestration: Unpacking the Leadership Capabilities of Anchor Organizations in Nascent Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (2024) Aki Harima, Jan Harima
Entrepreneurship Education at the Dawn of Generative Artificial Intelligence (2023) Basel Osama Sayed Ahmed Hammoda
Find your limits and break them! Nurturing students' entrepreneurship competence through innovative teaching methods and self-assessment (2024) Marianne Kallaste, Urve Venesaar
Tommaso Aguzzi. Ethics, principles, state vs. individual morality, and the construction of new or diverging moralities in EU eastern neighbours (principal supervisor Susanne Durst, co-supervisors Abel Polese and Rodica Ianole-Calin)
Airi Noppel. Developing the entrepreneurial approach of teaching in higher education (supervisor Sirje Ustav)
Elisabeth Kraut. Innovation and Circular Economy (supervisor Susanne Durst)
Velli Parts. Entrepreneurial personality from (sub)clinical perspective (principal supervisor Susanne Durst, co-supervisor Karin Reinhold)
Ekaterina Demiankova. Entrepreneurship eco-system – who are the enablers, acting in between the policies and action. The role, motivation and expertise (principal supervisor Sirje Ustav, co-supervisor Susanne Durst)
Jaime Joel Rodriguez Santiago. Digital entrepreneurial ecosystems: imaginaries, configurations and governance (supervisor Aki Harima)
Ruzlin Akter. Building Resilience: Impact of political unrest on the evolution of sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem (supervisor Aki Harima)
Marketing Research Group
Keywords: customer experience; service marketing; urban studies; customer and stakeholder engagement; customer journey; stakeholder journey
Research within the group spans four separate sets of projects, which are closely aligned with novel learning and teaching. Consumption is a significant topic incorporating consumer behaviour theorisations with a focus on the consumer/customer experience, consumer journeys, cosmopolitanism, consumer ethnocentrism, ethical and sustainable consumption. Work on experience service design complements investigations into the digital divide and ageism in marketing. The sub-stream of service design is focused around the new dLab initiative, building upon existing and forging new collaborations, including through the collaborative Service Design Conference. In services and relationship marketing, the investigations focus on customer service-related engagement, digital value co-creation, disciplining and compliance-based interactions between providers and consumers. Empirical and conceptual studies from all four sub-streams of this research area have appeared in top journals in the area. The topic is led by Professor L. Hollebeek. Critical examinations of customer-provider relationships, service provision, recovery management, and customer engagement have produced new, state-of-the-art theories complementing research on the stakeholders’ interplay in service/product innovation. The sub-stream of service design is focused on the new d.Lab initiative, building upon existing and forging new collaborations. Urban and residential research stream focuses on transforming urban realities conceived within the interplay of socio-economic, cultural and spatial-material processes, as well as within the reciprocity of individual and institutional strategies. The interdisciplinary perspective introduced in the analysis of processes observed in residential and public spaces incorporates theoretical and methodological approaches applied in sociological, architectural, planning and business studies. The latest research projects encompass inquiries of, for example, residents’ and property owners’ expectations towards sustainable development of heritage space in Tallinn Old Town, or formation of citizens’ (incl. youth) preferences and choices at urban residential markets, including private rental markets.

Aditi Sarkar, PhD ETIS CV
Oliver Parts, PhD ETIS CV
Volker Kuppelwieser, PhD ETIS CV
Huma Ittefaq ETIS CV
Linda Hollebeek, PhD ETIS CV
Jana Kukk, PhD ETIS CV
Liis Ojamäe, PhD ETIS CV
Katrin Paadam, PhD ETIS CV
René Arvola, PhD ETIS CV
Kristel Kaljund, PhD ETIS CV
Airi Freimuth ETIS CV
Helen Vaikma ETIS CV
Eliis Salm ETIS CV
Online Content Creators’ and Viewers’ Interdependent Journeys (2024) Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo, Linda Desiree Hollebeek
Customer Journey Value: A Conceptual Framework (2023) Linda Desiree Hollebeek, René Arvola
Consumers' online brand-related misinformation engagement: a weapons of influence perspective (2024) Linda Desiree Hollebeek, Rein Riisalu, Oliver Parts
Helen Vaikma. Consumer-driven product development of plant-based dairy alternatives (principal supervisor René Arvola, co-supervisor Sirli Rosenvald)
Airi Freimuth. Customer engagement in service/product innovation: the stakeholders’ interplay (principal supervisor Linda Hollebeek, co-supervisor Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo)
Huma Ittefaq. Three-wave longitudinal study of green consumerism in Estonian green consumers to foster booking intentions and affective commitment for sharing accommodations: persuasive roles of receptivity of green communications and social influence (supervisor Volker Kuppelwieser)
Eliis Salm. The Role of Sustainability in Consumer Decision Making (supervisor Volker Kuppelwieser)
Organisation and Management Research Group
Keywords: leadership; well-being; responsible and ethical organizational development; leader-follower relationship; strategic management; knowledge and innovation management; risk management; HRM; change management; occupational health; organizational psychology; occupational safety and risks; future of work and digital transformation
The research group is active in a number of research fields related to organisation and management, using different theoretical lenses and research methods. The primary research interests can be grouped under leadership, future of work, well-being and responsible, ethical organizational development and sustainable management. The group collaborates with a number of internationally renowned researchers working within the confines of organization and management, future of work, occupational safety and related research areas. The purpose of the group is to extend the scientific body of knowledge concerning the related fields of organization and management and to contribute to practice, by presenting opportunities and challenges confronting Estonian organizations and beyond. The overall interest of the group is to investigate how organizations transform their knowledge and access to new digital solutions into innovative outputs to achieve and maintain sustainable business development. The group members have a broad portfolio of expertise gained from working with a variety of national and international private and public organizations. The aim is to take advantage of it and use this expertise to develop it further for the greater good.

Mari-Klara Stein is a professor at the Department of Business Administration, TalTech and an associate professor at the Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School. Mari holds a doctoral degree from Bentley University (USA). Her research is focused on digital transformation of work. She has published her work in top management and IS journals (e.g., MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies). Mari is the recipient of the European Research Paper of the Year award from CIONET, as well as the recipient of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Early Career Award. Mari is currently serving as AE at MIS Quarterly and as SE at Information & Organization.
Marina Järvis, PhD ETIS CV
Karin Reinhold, PhD ETIS CV
Mike Wahl, PhD ETIS CV
Merle Ojasoo, PhD ETIS CV
Aive Pevkur, PhD ETIS CV
Liina Randmann, PhD ETIS CV
Maris Zernand-Vilson, PhD ETIS CV
Marge Sassi, PhD ETIS CV
Tarmo Koppel, PhD ETIS CV
Tiiu Kamdron, PhD ETIS CV
Velli Parts ETIS CV
Piia Tint, PhD ETIS CV
Ebru Metin ETIS CV
Artur Toikka ETIS CV
Amit Gupta ETIS CV
Anna Litvinenko ETIS CV
Mari-Liis Ivask ETIS CV
Mari Kurashvili ETIS CV
Maria Kütt ETIS CV
Rusudan Tsiskaridze ETIS CV
Kaspar Roost ETIS CV
Ljudmila Linnik ETIS CV
Crowdworking: Nurturing Expert-Centric Absorptive Capacity (2024) Mari-Klara Stein
Managing an ageing healthcare workforce: a systematic literature review (2022) Marina Järvis, Karin Reinhold, Mari Kurashvili
Appearance-based discrimination against young women in the workplace (2023) Merle Ojasoo
Strategic intentions guided by individual values: Evidence from business owners (2023) Mike Franz Wahl, Pavel Prokushenkov
Mari Kurashvili. Assessment of ageing health management in healthcare: ways to increase wellbeing and sustainability (principal supervisor Karin Reinhold, co-supervisor Marina Järvis)
Velli Parts. Entrepreneurial personality from (sub)clinical perspective (principal supervisor Susanne Durst, co-supervisor Karin Reinhold)
Rusudan Tsiskaridze. The implication of Artificial Intelligence solutions in organizations (principal supervisor Karin Reinhold, co-supervisor Marina Järvis)
Maria Kütt. Situational Human Resource Management: Context and Practices (principal supervisor Mike Franz Wahl, co-supervisor Divya Shukla)
Ebru Metin. Accountability and the governance of digital and automated management of dispute resolution (principal supervisor Mari-Klara Stein, co-supervisor Tanel Kerikmäe, co-supervisor Helena Haapio)
Kaspar Roost. Change management for raising design maturity in organisations (supervisor Mari-Klara Stein)
Artur Toikka. Exploring the Future of Work: Implications for Society and the Labor Market (supervisor Mari-Klara Stein)
Amit Gupta. Uncovering ESG Criteria: Meeting Stakeholders' Expectations in Strategic Management (principal supervisor Karin Reinhold, co-supervisor Merle Ojasoo)
Ljudmila Linnik. Ohutuskultuuri juhtimise erinevate aspektide eristamine - strateegiline juhtimise lähenemisviis tervishoiuorganisatsiooni patsientide ja töötajate ohutuseks (principal supervisor Karin Reinhold, co-supervisor Jaana Sepp)
Anna Litvinenko. AI in Credit Risk Management Processes (principal supervisor Mari Avarmaa, co-supervisor Mari-Klara Stein)
Mari-Liis Ivask. Enhancing Workforce Resilience: Exploring Organizational Factors and Psychosocial Risk Management Strategies (principal supervisor Karin Reinhold, co-supervisor Marina Järvis)
Sustainable Value Chain Management Research Group
Keywords: sustainable business development; operations management; sustainable innovation; environmental economics; green economy; smart supply chain management; organizational learning; data science
Sustainable value chain management deals with tasks and processes aiming at preparing and supporting the implementation of growth opportunities and innovations within the constraints of a firm’s strategy. Thus, sustainable value chain management is focused on preparing, planning, implementing and evaluating a continuous stream of potential innovations. The research group investigates potential growth and innovation opportunities within and between organizations by using interdisciplinary approaches from business, sustainability management (e.g. “Circular Economy”) and environmental economics, operations and innovation management, engineering, IT, design and social sciences in the context of the European agenda for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Consequently, the research group deals with innovations and growth opportunities in the areas of digitalization, smart production and Industry 4.0, Big Data, strategic alliances and networks as well as industrial strategy and competitiveness studies. The research work usually takes place in the framework of European and/or national projects and in the context of the university–business cooperation.

Wolfgang Gerstlberger is a professor of operations management and the Head of the Sustainable Value Chain Management Unit at the Department of Business Administration since 2019.
He received his doctorate (Rer. Pol.) from the University of Kassel in Germany in 1998 and his habilitation in General Business Administration from the same university in 2004. Prior to TalTech, he was a professor of innovation management at the University of Southern Denmark for more than ten years.
His current research focuses on sustainable operations and innovation management, digital transformation of enterprises (e.g. "Industry 4.0"), innovation systems and innovation-driven entrepreneurship.
Tarmo Kalvet, PhD ETIS CV
Gunnar Prause, PhD ETIS CV
Merle Küttim, PhD ETIS CV
Üllas Ehrlich, PhD ETIS CV
Marek Tiits, PhD ETIS CV
Chahinez Ounoughi, PhD ETIS CV
Daria Podmetina, PhD ETIS CV
Tarvo Niine, PhD ETIS CV
Heleri Tasane, PhD ETIS CV
Georgi Hrenov, PhD ETIS CV
Jelena Hartšenko ETIS CV
Ulrika Hurt ETIS CV
Margit Kull ETIS CV
Arseni Kotov ETIS CV
Tarlan Ahmadov ETIS CV
Vera Gerasimova ETIS CV
Narmin Eynizada ETIS CV
Mihhail Kirejev ETIS CV
Tarmo Tuisk ETIS CV
Jaana Merisaar ETIS CV
Sina Atari
Mari Bonnar
Do we need human capital heterogeneity for energy efficiency and innovativeness? Insights from European catching-up territories (2023) Wolfgang Dieter Gerstlberger
SMEs on the way to a circular economy: insights from a multi-perspective review (2023) Tarlan Ahmadov, Susanne Durst
Small countries facing the technological revolution: fostering synergies between economic complexity and foresight research (2024) Tarmo Kalvet, Marek Tiits, Erkki Karo
Valuation of ecosystem non-market services: Recreational service in Estonia (2023) Üllas Ehrlich
Mihhail Kirejev. Implementation of the smart mobility concept in smart city model: Applying a holistic approach on the example of Tallinn (principal supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger, co-supervisors Tarvo Niine ja Enno Lend)
Tarlan Ahmadov. Solving Sustainability: data, digital technologies, innovation and knowledge management (principal supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger, co-supervisor Susanne Durst)
Vera Gerasimova. Service design models for sustainable business development (supervisor Gunnar Prause)
Tiina Viin. Economic valuation of Ecosystem Services in Estonia: Case Study of Protected Biological Species (supervisor Üllas Ehrlich)
Margit Kull. Potential cooperation between companies and the state as well as state agencies to support bottom-up industrial symbiosis in Estonia (supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger)
Arseni Kotov. Blending open innovation and circular economy models (principal supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger, co-supervisor Merle Küttim)
Narmin Eynizada. Research and Development of Novel Applications for Community and Small-Scale Energy Systems (principal supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger, co-supervisor Tarmo Korõtko)
Sina Atari Jabar Zadeh. Investment Risk Management in Sustainable Maritime Operations (principal supervisor Gunnar Prause, co-supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger)
Mari Bonnar. Identification of Sustainable Development Scenarios for Digital Industries and Smart Infrastructure Companies using Multi Stakeholder Learning Dialogues (principal supervisor Merle Küttim, co-supervisor Wolfgang Gerstlberger)