Tallinn University of Technology

Gene Technology Journal Club

The MSc and  PhD students' Journal Clubs (JC) are held on Tuesdays at 15.15 at the SCI-120 lecture theatre (Natural Sciences Bldg, Akadeemia tee 15).

Journal club (JC) rules (please note rule 9, since this is newish):

  1. The JCs will be held in Estonian (M.Sc students) or English (PhD students)
  2. Original research papers, preferably from high impact journals such as Nature/ Nature clones, Science or Cell/ Cell clones should be chosen
  3. One Covid-19 paper per 2 months quota applies
  4. Papers have to be greenlighted by the organiser 
  5. Each JC paper is reviewed by one or more fellow students who are obliged to carefully read the paper and comment on it 
  6. Please send out your chosen paper to the reviewer no later than 1 WEEK in advance;
  7. Please send out your paper to other PhD students no later than the previous Friday;
  8. JC duration: allow approximately 10-15 min for general introduction and up to 45 min for the paper, include all the figures in the main body of the paper
  9. Please send out your JC presentation file to the organiser for comments etc at least two days before your JC; (this "novelty" will be introduced from this semester onwards to ensure that a sufficiently broad context will be covered in the Introduction part of the JC and that there won't be any noteworthy ommissions of important facts/data etc pertaining to the article's broader context).
  10. Reviewers: please check  with the JC presenter whether you can comment on the article on an ongoing basis or after the presentation only
  11. Pariticpation via Zoom is provided only to the students currently abroad (e.g work-related travel) or whose work duties do not let them arrive in-person by 4 pm. In these cases, the student will have to ask the JC organiser for a Zoom link beforehand.
  12. The JC presenter and reviewer ARE EXPECTED to attend the JC in-person and not via Zoom only (unless there's a good reason for presenting via Zoom only).

Richard Tamme, PhD - the JC organiser
Senior Lecturer
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Tallinn University of Technology
Email: richard.tamme@taltech.ee
Ph. +372 55628559