Micro-Level Responses to Socio-Economic Challenges in Face of Global Uncertainties (GLOBAL2MICRO)

- European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Baltic Research Programme Project No S-BMT-21-8 (LT08-2-LMT-K-01-073)
- 01.01.2021-31.12.2023
- Consortium: Vilnius University (coordinator), Tallinn University of Technology, BI Norwegian Business School, Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), University of Tartu and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- TalTech Project Team: professors Kadri Männasoo (Project Leader) and Aaro Hazak, PhD students Vladislav Fjodorov, Heili Hein, Miina Hõbenael, Artjom Saia (PhD, 2024), Triinu Tapver (PhD, 2022), and Helery Tasane (PhD, 2023)
- Results: published articles, presentations at conferences and research seminars, PhD defences, video on project outcomes
Events such as an increased concentration on domestic matters and engagement in trade wars by the US, the British decision to leave the European Union and an increase in global political and economic power by China, as well as the pandemic and global lockdowns, call for a deeper understanding of how societies adjust their behaviour within such an uncertain and evolving environment. We tackled these broad socio-economic challenges by analysing in detail, firstly, how firms adjust to trade shocks in terms of their labour allocations, human capital and technological investments; secondly, concentrating on how the two major adjustments of firms’ production functions – labour and technology – interact in response to increasing global uncertainty, especially in the face of de-globalization and the fragmentation of global trade links; finally, combining the empirical insights from the first and the second blocks, and building a theoretical framework on the labour market adjustments, paying special attention to the complementarity/substitutability of new types of labour and capital as well as labour and technology (automation). The three blocks took three different approaches: empirical analysis based on administrative data, empirical analysis based on the new big data methods, and theoretical and structural analysis.
Read the impressions from the final conference of the Baltic Research Programme here
Published articles
Männasoo, K., Hõbenael, M., & Ridala, S. (2024). Language skills and unemployment: Post-Soviet bilingualism in Latvia. Post-Communist Economies, 36(2), 222–261. https://doi.org/10.1080/14631377.2023.2263215
Männasoo, K., Kristian Pareliussen, J., & Saia, A. (2023). Digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-COVID-19 Europe. Telematics and Informatics, 83, 102024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2023.102024
Saia, A. (2023). Digitalization and CO2 emissions: Dynamics under R&D and technology innovation regimes. Technology in Society, 74, 102323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102323
Ferraro, S., Männasoo, K., & Tasane, H. (2023). How the EU Cohesion Policy targeted at R&D and innovation impacts the productivity, employment and exports of SMEs in Estonia. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97, 102221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102221
Tasane, H., & Srun, S. (2023). The institutional environment, human capital development, and productivity-enhancing factors: Evidence from ASEAN countries. TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 11(2), 159–174. https://doi.org/10.1017/trn.2022.13
Tapver, T. (2023). Luck and skill in the performance of global equity funds in Central and Eastern Europe. Managerial Finance, 49(4), 597−619. https://doi.org/10.1108/MF-01-2022-0051
Männasoo, K. (2022). Working hours and gender wage differentials: Evidence from the American Working Conditions Survey. Labour Economics, 76, 102148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102148
Saia, A., Neshumayev, D., Hazak, A., Sander, P., Järvik, O., & Konist, A. (2022). Techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture possibilities for oil shale power plants. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 169, 112938. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112938
Kepp, K., & Männasoo, K. (2021). Investment irreversibility and cyclical adversity: Implications for the financial performance of European manufacturing companies. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(7), 1665–1678. https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.3334
Presentations at conferences and research seminars
BEC 2024, Tallinn, June 27-28, 2024. Kaido Kepp and Kadri Männasoo. „Explaining switching behaviour: Consumer attention and choice in car insurance market”.
BEC 2023, Riga, July 19-20, 2023. Kadri Männasoo, Jon Pareliussen and Artjom Saia. „Digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-COVID-19 Europe“.
ECEE 2023, Tallinn, July 8-9, 2023. Kaido Kepp and Kadri Männasoo. „Consumer inattention and inertia in car insurance choices”.
8th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, Mannheim, March 16-17, 2023. Kadri Männasoo, Miina Hõbenael and Svetlana Ridala. „Big language minority and small language majority: Language skills and unemployment in Latvia”.
Annual Conference of Estonian Economic Association, Rakvere, January 26-27, 2023. Kadri Männasoo, Jon Pareliussen and Artjom Saia. „Digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-COVID-19 Europe“.
11th Annual Lithuanian Conference on Economic Research, Vilnius, December 28, 2022. Kadri Männasoo, Jon Pareliussen and Artjom Saia. „Individuals’ digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-Covid-19 Europe“.
11th Annual Lithuanian Conference on Economic Research, Vilnius, December 28, 2022. Heili Hein. „R&D efficiency and business sector spending in European regions: Conditional efficiency approach”.
IBEP/DEF Research seminar, Tallinn, October 5, 2022. Kadri Männasoo, Jon Pareliussen and Artjom Saia. „Individuals’ digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-Covid-19 Europe“.
EACES, Naples, September 15-17, 2022. Kadri Männasoo, Jon Pareliussen and Artjom Saia. „Individuals’ digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-Covid-19 Europe“.
11th Nordic Econometric Network meeting, Sandbjerg, September 10-13, 2022. Helery Tasane. „Regional economic impacts of the Øresund cross-border fixed link: Cui bono?“.
BEC 2022, Kaunas, June 27-28, 2022. Simona Ferraro, Kadri Männasoo and Helery Tasane. „How the EU Cohesion Policy targeted at R&D and innovation impacts the productivity, employment and exports of SMEs in Estonia“.
BEC 2022, Kaunas, June 27-28, 2022. Kadri Männasoo and Svetlana Ridala. „Big language minority and small language majority: language skills and unemployment in Latvia“.
DRUID22, Copenhagen, June 13-15, 2022. Heili Hein. „R&D efficiency in European regions: the effect of business sector spending“.
ECEE 2022, Tallinn, June 12-14, 2022. Kadri Männasoo and Svetlana Ridala. „Big language minority and small language majority: language skills and unemployment in Latvia“.
ECEE 2022, Tallinn, June 12-14, 2022. Artjom Saia. „R&D varying CO2 emissions regime shift: A panel smooth transition regression analysis“.
Annual Conference of Estonian Economic Association, Pärnu, January 21, 2022. Kadri Männasoo and Svetlana Ridala. „Big language minority and small language majority: language skills and unemployment in Latvia“.
ECEE 2021, Tallinn, August 16-17, 2021. Simona Ferraro, Kadri Männasoo and Helery Tasane. „How the EU Cohesion Policy targeted at R&D and innovation impacts the productivity, employment and exports of SMEs in Estonia“.
Annual Conference of Estonian Economic Association, Narva-Jõesuu, June 10 -July 1, 2021. Marit Rebane, Aaro Hazak and Kadri Männasoo. „COVID-19 and self-reported health indicators among the Estonian labour market segments“.
Annual Conference of Estonian Economic Association, Narva-Jõesuu, June 10 -July 1, 2021. Kadri Männasoo, Jon Pareliussen and Artjom Saia. „Individuals' digital capacity and labour market outcomes: Comparative evidence from Europe“.
BEC 2021, Tartu and online, June 7-8, 2021. Kadri Männasoo. „Working hours and gender wage differentials: Evidence from the American Working Conditions Survey“.
PhD defences
- On May 9th, 2024 Artjom Saia defended his doctoral thesis titled “Economic Perspectives of Twin-transition: Low-carbon Production and Inclusive Digitalization”. LINK
- On December 21st, 2023 Helery Tasane defended her doctoral thesis titled “Institutions and Innovativeness of SMEs“. LINK
- On December 20th, 2022 Triinu Tapver defended her doctoral thesis titled “Essays on Bank Governance and Mutual Fund Performance“. LINK