Quantitative Economic Research Initiative (QERI)
On this page you can find information about the Quantitative Economic Research Initiative (Kvantitatiivsete MajandusUuringute Keskus or KMUK in Estonian) project.
As economic research continues to become more data-intensive, the application of contemporary data analysis and simulation methods is placing greater demands on computing power. In addition to creating new original data (e.g survey or experimental results), most empirical studies produce new so-called synthetic data, which are indicators or other relevant figures calculated by the researchers themselves or according to previous research literature. The server and working platform for big data enable researchers to undertake and more efficiently implement projects with ambitious data volumes.
- Cooperation with the High Performance Computing Center (HPC) to enhance the research activities of research groups that require working with large data volumes or high performance computing
- Campus licenses for speciality software. In 2021 the STATA17/MP campus license was purchased, which can be used by all university employees and students who have the UNI-ID
- Processes and good practices that support research groups and help to achieve the best use of the quantitative research infrastructure resources
- Consolidation of user needs with the capacities of the research infrastructure (both existing and in development)
Kadri Männasoo (Professor of Microeconometrics, Department of Economics and Finance, TalTech), kadri.mannasoo@taltech.ee
Tõnn Talpsepp (Senior Researcher, Department of Economics and Finance, TalTech), tonn.talpsepp@taltech.ee
Materials from the project event on 21 April 2022
- Lauri Anton: "TalTech HPC Centre"
- Tõnn Talpsepp
- Germo Väli: ''Kasutajakogemus merefüüsika uurimisgrupist''
- Tanel Alumäe: ''Kasutajakogemus keeletehnoloogia laboratooriumist''
Materials from the project event on 26 November 2021
Below you can find the presentation slides in PDF format.
- Kadri Männasoo: "Quantitative Economic Research: Applications, Processes and Functionalities"
- Tõnn Talpsepp: "Server environment for analyzing large data sets"
- Lauri Anton: "TalTech HPC Centre"
- Marek Tiits: "Biomajandus ja TalTech Industrial" (use case from the TalTech Industrial project)