Tallinn University of Technology

Exchange programs

All students of Talllinn University of Technology have the opportunity to study in our partner universities in U.S. It is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable international experience, develop both academically and professionally and enhance English language skills.

Southern Utah University (SUU)

Start here: https://taltech.ee/en/studyabroad

There are places for up to 2 students from TalTech. Candidate should have studied at TalTech at least 1 year. The exchange program is opened for undergraduate and graduate students.
Students do not have to pay tuition fee, but they are financially responsible for:

  • travel to and from the host institution

  • course fees, see https://www.suu.edu/registrar/course-fees.html

  • books, stationery etc

  • accommodation and living expenses

  • health coverage relevant to the exchange institution and country

  • personal travel within the country

Information for prospective international exchange students: https://www.suu.edu/academics/studyabroad/international.html

Application documents:

  1.  Exchange student application form

  2. Admission application fee

  3. Official transcripts

  4. Copy of your passport information page

  5. Evidence of English language proficiency

  6. Proof of financial capability

  7. Learning agreement

  8. Housing application form and fee

  9. Immunization records

Application information: https://www.suu.edu/academics/studyabroad/internationalappprocedure.html

University webpage: https://www.suu.edu/

College of Charleston

Start here: https://taltech.ee/en/studyabroad

All undergraduate areas of study are open to exchange students.

Application documents:


  • Transcript from home institution

  • Proof of English proficiency

  • Copy of passport picture page

  • Certificate of Finances and proof of funding

Application form is online and students will be able to upload all documents through online application system:

University webpage: http://www.cofc.edu/

University of New Mexico

According to the exchange agreement TalTech students could study in the University of New Mexico 1-2 semesters.

Start here: https://taltech.ee/en/studyabroad

Candidate should have studied at TUT at least 1 year. The exchange program is opened for undergraduate and graduate students.

Partner university will cover exchange students tuition and will organize an orientation program for the newcomers.

Application documents:

  • Completed application form

  • Copy of the biographical page of your passport

  • Evidence of English language proficiency

  • Academic records - originals or certified copies of official documents plus English translation, if applicable

  • Proof of financial capability

Information for international students

University webpage

All program participants should be the TalTech's dignified ambassadors to our partners and introduce them our programs in English.

After the program the participant should present a written report to the educationUSA Advising Center.


Miina Karafin

Nikolay Sekachev

Laura Randvoo

Liisi Karlep

Liie Lumiste

Aron Härsing

Steve Sulev

Siim Sirel

Mari-Liis Sillat

Lotta Laakso

Hanna-Kaisa Lepik