Tallinn University of Technology

What is TalTechDigital?

TalTech has the desire and readiness  to change first itself  in a global turnaround, and thus show the way to others. It is based on our ambition and determination to use and develop the latest technologies in the best possible way, and to be at the forefront of creating strategic partnerships both at home and abroad. We are doing so not only in the interests of our academic community, but also in the interests of society in particular.

We envisage the future of TalTech as a university that uses the most advanced technologies to better organise its daily activities – learning, teaching and research. Everything that intelligent artificial systems do better than humans is left to the systems and humans can show their abilities in the design and development of new solutions.

This triggered the TalTechDigital initiative in TalTech University. It is not a program with specific time and financial limits and although the university level coordination by the Rectorate ended in the summer of 2020, the activities that support the vision-based approach at TalTech continue.

See also a short movie, how we would not have such a convenient and innovative e-Estonia without TalTech.

Lines of Action

TalTechDigital was launched in four lines of action: updating the digital infrastructure, digital teaching, supporting research 'lighthouses', and convening a digital forum.

digital infrastructure

Reviewing and redesigning the university's practices and work processes by using new, evolving and breakthrough technologies with an aim to make the university the most well-digitized campus in the world.

Digital Teaching

Integrating new digital technologies into the structure and operation of all the study programmes from the moment they are created by motivating and encouraging students to contribute to the general objectives of digitalization through their studies.

research "lighthouses"

Defining new, interdisciplinary and future-oriented research directions in collaboration with national and foreign partners that are based on the university's competencies and the future needs of IT and other companies.

Digital Forum

Creating a platform for collaboration in support of digital developments and with an aim to build a strong digital society in Estonia. Developing new collaboration models within the triangle the university-companies-the public sector.