Tallinn University of Technology

Estonian Research Information System ETIS

The Estonian Research Information System (ETIS) concentrates information on research- and development (R&D) institutions, researchers, research projects and various research results.

At the same time, ETIS is also an information channel for submitting and processing grant applications and for submitting and verifying project reports.

ETIS administrator in TalTech (hereinafter TalTech administrator) is the Research and Development Analyst of Research Administration Office Kiira Parre. The administrator's task is to organize the data management in ETIS.

The data of publications, as a rule, will be verified and confirmed by administrator designated from TalTech Library. Exceptionally, the head of the structural unit may propose to appoint another TalTech employee as the verifier. You can ask for help from:


Terms and conditions of use

New Developments

ETIS workflow at TalTech is as follows:

  • To use ETIS you have to log in the system on the webpage http://www.etis.ee. Find the button LOG IN  in the upper right corner of the page.

  • To access ETIS you can use TalTech UNI-ID, Estonian authentication services (ID card, Mobile-ID, Smart-ID, Banklinks) or ETIS password.

  • To get ETIS user account and password you have to provide your personal data (full name, personal Estonian ID code (in the absence of Estonian ID code the date of birth DD/MM/YYYY), e-mail, contact phone, position at TalTech) to TalTech administrator or to ETIS administrator at ETAG.

  • All ETIS users must ensure that their CV information incl. research results (publications, supervisions,industrial property, research projects, etc.) are kept up to date.
    NB! Supervision data will be transferred automatically from TalTech Study Information System (SIS). Automatic transfer works only if all mandatory fields for data transfer to ETIS are filled in SIS.

  • The data of publications, as a rule, will be verified and confirmed by administrator designated from TalTech Library. Exceptionally, the head of the structural unit may propose to appoint another TalTech employee as the verifier. All exceptional cases must be agreed with the TalTech administrator.

  • Scientific publications of TalTech staff are approved only if the author has an ORCID account. You can register for the ORCID account at https://orcid.org/register