Tallinn University of Technology

On December 7, TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security will host the 6th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research conference (ICR2019). Young researchers, graduate students and doctoral students will present their research on technology and cyber security and the results of Master's and Doctoral theses. This year the conference will be live-streamed online. 

The aim of the conference is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.

Everyone who is interested in cyber security and information technology, as well as its strategies, legal and human aspects, etc. are welcome to listen the presentations and get to know each other.

This year, the conference has three keynote speakers. Dr Joe Burton from the University of Waikato will open the day with his talk titled “Security Cultures and Cyber Warfare”. The second keynote speaker is Dr Aarthi Krishna". The topic of her talk is "Diving into the CISO’s mind". The day will be closed by Prof Samuel Pagliarini from Department of Computer Systems, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). His talk is titled "Trust your hardware (but not really!)"

Participation in the conference is free of charge. The event is in English.

Please register HERE

For more information:
Conference website: www.taltech.ee/ICR
Contact: martha.jung@taltech.ee or kristi.ainen@taltech.ee