Tallinn University of Technology

Buildings are responsible for a large part of energy consumption (44% in France according to the Environment and Energy  Management Agency, ADEME). The environmental challenges (reduction of 14% of the carbon footprint on energy), the energy transition (decentralization of production with renewable sources) and communication (connected objects, large volumes of data, artificial intelligence) require buildings that they become energy players. There is a regulatory framework corresponding to individual and collective self-consumption in France (law n ° 2017-227 of February 24, 2017) and in many European countries.

This context is the starting point of the summer school "From smart buildings to smart cities (SB2SC)", which proposes to address the following interdisciplinary and systemic questions:

  • What is a smart building and what are the challenges in the context of climate change?
  • What are the social and regulatory challenges of smart buildings?
  • How can smart buildings contribute to flexibility and energy sufficiency?
  • How can self-consumption (with photovoltaics, with or without storage capacity) provide services to a building?
  • What role can IoT (Internet of Things) objects play in smart buildings?
  • How can the data collected in a building be used?
  • What are the prospects for buildings in interaction with their neighborhood and their city?

These questions will be addressed in various ways: seminars, practical projects, visits to real installations, group debates, parallel online sessions, exchanges with industrial players, group mini-projects and even games and other activities. Speakers and speakers from different institutions and from different backgrounds (both academics and industry) will be with you to discuss and share their knowledge and experience. All in five days in an immersive experience on the Campus of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, hosting several smart buildings that are developed by the E4C Center.

Here are the main topics covered (non-exhaustive list):

  • Smart buildings and smart cities: general challenges
  • Social and regulatory issues: flexibility and sufficiency
  • Microgrid components and energy management
  • IoT, data, machine learning and optimization

Key information

  • Dates: July 5-9, 2021
  • Location: Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France (online option also possible *)
  • Target: Masters and PhD students interested in an interdisciplinary and systemic vision on smart buildings (challenges, solutions, opportunities).
  • Capacity: 30 people in situ (the capacity could increase if the SB2SC is fully online depending on the pandemic situation) *
  • Language : English
  • Free for all participants
  • Deadline for submitting applications: May 5, 2021
  • Communication on summer school acceptance: May 12, 2021

Prepare an up-to-date cover letter and CV and complete this form

And let's take advantage: would you be ready to share your work in an oral or poster communication that will be exhibited during the summer school week? Send a short summary.

Due to capacity limits, selection criteria could be applied, taking into account the motivation, the context and to ensure the transversality of the teams.

(*) Considering the pandemic situation, we are preparing the SB2SC to be adapted to all possible situations and that at least most of it can be followed both online and, if possible, in situ. Certain activities (such as visits) would only be possible in situ. We also cannot rule out the possibility that the SB2SC will only be offered online in its entirety.