Tallinn University of Technology

Have you visited the Archive of TalTech? At the Campus Party, there is an exceptional opportunity to so so!

Arhiivikülastused 2022. aasta Linnakupeol
Arhiivikülastused 2022

During the visits, the treasures hidden in teh archives are introduced: the best excerpts from students' past adventures, past curiosities and some lucky individuals have the chance to read essays written for entrance exams. 

Archive visit times:

11.00-11.45 Arhiivikülastus - ringkäik ja näitus parimatest pärlitest (EST)

13.00-13.45 Archive visit - guided tour and exhibition of the finest pearls (ENG)

14.00-14.45 Arhiivikülastus - ringkäik ja näitus parimatest pärlitest (EST)

15.00-15.45 Arhiivikülastus - ringkäik ja näitus parimatest pärlitest (EST)

Regisiter for archive visit here

Take a look at the rest of the Campus Party programme here: www.taltech.ee/linnakupidu