Tallinn University of Technology

Research Awards of the Republic of Estonia are given annually to Estonian researchers and research groups for outstanding results in research and development. The deadline for submitting candidates for the 2023 research award competition is 16 December 2022.

 The Schedule for submitting the candidates in Tallinn University of Technology is as follows:

•         by October 27 2022  the  motivated proposal submissions of the candidates for research awards (digitally signed) by the Dean of the School to the Research Administration Office to Ülle Vaht at ulle.vaht@taltech.ee. In addition to each motivated proposal a list of relevant pubilcations to the specific award category should also be included. In in-house decision-making process ETIS CV and SCOPUS publication list is also used. Complete application materials will be submitted after the University Senate approves the candidates to be submitted.

•         November  3, 2022 - Discussion of proposals in the Committee for Research

•         November 8, 2022 - Discussion of proposals in the Academic Committee

•         November 15, 2022 - University Senate approves candidates for the research awards

•         December 8, 2022 - deadline for submission of complete application materials according to the competition call by the Dean of the School to the TalTech Research Administration Office (ulle.vaht@taltech.ee). Research Administration Office will submit the materials to the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

 Additional information (incl. the full list of required submission documents): https://www.akadeemia.ee/en/competition-for-national-research-awards-is-open/

Previous laureates from Tallinn University of Technology: https://taltech.ee/riiklikud-teaduspreemiad

Contact person: Ülle Vaht (ulle.vaht@taltech.ee)