Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology is a research university where research, studies, innovation and contribution to society are equally valued, balanced and interconnected. The Vice-Rector for Research  announced competitions for the best Junior Researcher, Researcher and Research Articles of the year 2021 to highlight and value the outstanding contribution to the research, societal activities and research and development (R&D).

The terms and conditions of these competitions can be found in the Regulations on Acknowledgement and Insignia. Deadlines for submitting proposals and materials are as follows:

January 17, 2022 - for the purposes of the Regulations, “junior researcher” means an academic staff member of the university, who has been awarded a doctoral level degree or equal foreign qualifications and who was 35 years of age or less on 31 December 2021.

In order to participate in the competition, following materials of the candidate shall be submitted to the Research Administration Office:

  • motivated proposal
  • additional materials at the discretion of the nominator of the candidate
  • the candidate’s CV must be available in the public portal of the Estonian Research Information System (hereinafter referred to as “ETIS”)

The candidate for the title Junior Researcher of the Year may be nominated by the junior researcher himself or herself, the supervisor of his or her doctoral thesis, the head of his or her structural unit or at least two members of the university staff.

The Committee for Research shall elect the Junior Researcher of the Year based on the following criteria (§11):

  • active participation in the research, including management of research and development (hereinafter referred to as “R&D”) projects  or participation in R&D projects as the principal executor and outstanding research results and publication thereof; presentations at professional scientific forums;  supervision of PhD students; involvement of pupils/students in R&D; research awards and acknowledgements; participation in organisation of research activities.

January 17, 2022 - The candidate for the title Researcher of the Year may be nominated by the researcher himself or herself, the head of his or her structural unit or at least two members of the university staff. A candidate shall be an outstanding researcher in his or her field, whose research results have been widely recognised.

In order to participate in the competition, following materials of the candidate shall be submitted to the Research Administration Office:

  • motivated proposal
  • additional materials at the discretion of the nominator of the candidate
  • the candidate’s CV must be available in ETIS.

The Committee for Research shall elect the Researcher of the Year based on the candidate’s R&D results, in particular in the last year, but also retrospectively during up to 3 years, based on the following criteria(§12):

  • management of R&D projects; publication in high-level scientific journals and collections;  presentations at professional scientific forums;  inventive activity; introduction of research results;  supervision of a doctoral theses; involvement of pupils/students in R&D; research awards and acknowledgements; popularisation of research results; participation in organisation of research activities.

January 12, 2022  - the competition of the Research Article of the Year 2021 is announced in three fields of research:

  • engineering and technology;
  • natural, exact and health sciences;
  • social sciences and humanities.

The School Councils may submit research articles of their membership for the competition for the Research Article of the Year. A research article must have been published in 2020 and/or 2021 and at least one of the authors of the article must be an employee or a student of the university. Each school may submit for the competition the maximum of two research articles in each field of research.

January 12, 2022 - in order to participate in the competition, the following shall be submitted to the Research Administration Office:   

  • an extract of the minutes of the School council including the comprehensive bibliographic record of the research article including highlighted university-related author(s)
  • activated DOI code links, the field of research and the research project registration number at the university, on the basis of the results of which the research article was prepared;
  • the reason for submitting the research article for the competition;
  • a copy of the full text of the research article - pdf;
  • additional materials, if desired.

All research articles will be assessed by the expert committees, based on the following criteria (§13) :

  • novelty of the research article in the theoretical or applied approach; the level of the scientific journal, where the article was published; the level of the conference, where the paper was read; relatedness of the results published in the article with the research topic, project or contract to be completed at the university. 

The committee shall determine and establish the ranking of at least three best research articles and submit a reasoned decision to the Committee for Research which will elect two Articles of the Year in the field of engineering and technology and one Article of the Year in other fields at its meeting on February 3, 2022.

The results of all competitions shall be approved by the Rector and the Researcher of the Year, the Junior Researcher of the Year and the authors of the best Research Articles of the Year shall be awarded at the festive meeting of the Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.

Please submit all the necessary materials to Research Administration Office:  Ülle Vaht, ph 620 3626, e-post: ulle.vaht@taltech.ee

Regulations on Acknowledgement and Insignia