Tallinn University of Technology

From 30 May to 31 July, the exhibition “Cultural History Maps of Estonia” is open in the library’s 2nd floor reading area.

The exhibition features bookbinding works by six Estonian professional binding artists – Tähti Roostalu, Tiia Eikholm, Rene Haljasmäe, Sirje Kriisa, Lennart Mänd, and Tulvi-Hanneli Turo. Each work is a binding of the same book, Olev Soans. Cultural history maps of Estonia. The book provides an overview of Olev Soans’ map collection of 39 graphic maps, and the artists’ interpretations make it even more valuable. In 2020, the same team of binding artists received the Annual Award of the Cultural Endowment in Visual and Applied Arts category for organising an international bookbinding exhibition “Scripta manent VI”.

The exhibition also features three hand-printed, numbered and signed cultural history maps composed and drawn by Olev Soans, which were donated to Tallinn University of Technology Library.

The aim of the exhibition is to recognise Olev Soans for his masterful work in graphics and to acknowledge Estonian professional binding artists.

Näitus Eesti kultuuriloolised kaardid