Tallinn University of Technology

Vabamu and SUL Global Conversations present: “De-Risking and China: A Conversation about American and European Approaches with Andrew Grotto”

De-Risking and China: A Conversation about American and European Approaches with Andrew Grotto

The past 8 years have seen major shifts in the United States and parts of Europe over perceptions of China, giving rise to debates about the scope, scale, and goals of “de-risking” trade relationships with China, especially when it comes to digital technologies. What is the status of this debate in the United States, and how does political polarization affect U.S. policy toward China? And what is the status of this debate in Europe—can Europe speak with one voice on China? These topics will be discussed by Andrew Grotto, William J. Perry International Security Fellow and Director of the Program on Geopolitics, Technology, and Governance at Stanford University, and Una Aleksandra Beržina-Čerenkova, Head of the Asia Research Programme at the Riga Stradiņš University.

The discussion will be moderated by Luukas Ilves, Estonia’s Government Chief Information Officer.

The event is free and open to the public. RSVP is requested. 

More information about the event: https://vabamu.ee/en/news/conversation-with-andrew-grotto/

Andrew Grotto is also hosting TalTech digital governance researchers at Stanford University in 2022 and 2023. He is visiting TalTech on the morning of September 12th, where he will meet with the rector and engage with digital governance researchers who have either attended or are planning to attend Stanford. Additionally, he will be conducting a seminar at 10:30 AM For more details about the seminar on September 12th, contact Ralf-Martin.Soe@taltech.ee