Tallinn University of Technology

Under the leadership of TalTech, the second career conference will be held, where all Estonian doctoral candidates and those interested in doctoral studies are invited. This year’s conference will be held in cooperation with all Estonian universities under the Estonian Doctoral School.

The purpose of the conference is to highlight the value of a PhD degree and introduce endless career opportunities for those with a passion for new knowledge and excellence. The skills, knowledge and a wide horizon acquired during the doctoral studies, opens up new career opportunities.

From academia to industry, government to business, this conference will help you understand the prospects of Ph.D. on the way to an impactful and rewarding career. Join us and discover how a Ph.D. can shape not only your career, but all of our future!

Doctors and current doctoral students will give inspiring presentations at the conference. There are discussions about how the skills and knowledge acquired during doctoral studies are useful in different areas of life and in various fields, including the advantages in the labour market.

Panel discussions provide participants with practical knowledge and experience related to the Ph.D. about career opportunities in the public sector, business or elsewhere.

The exact program of the conference and the speakers will be revealed in the near future, but the registration for the conference is already started. We kindly ask that You register for the event by May 10 at the latest! (Registration has ended!)

NB! We invite all doctoral students to actively participate in the conference! Present your research work with a popular science poster presentation or create a short cartoon on the topic “My everyday life as a doctoral candidate”.

At the end of the conference day, the best presentations and comics will be determined and are also deservedly rewarded. The number of poster presentations is limited, so hurry to announce your wish separately on the registration form no later than May 10. (Registration has ended!)


  • 9:00 – 9:30 Registration, coffee and breakfast
    9:30 – 9:40 Welcome!          
    TalTech Vice-Rector for Research, Tiit Lukk
    University of Tartu, Head of the Centre of Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Research Fellow at the Department of Zoology / Representative of the Doctoral School, Maris Hindrikson
    9:40 – 10:00 Opening words
    Renno Veinthal, Ministry of Education and Research, Deputy Secretary General (Higher Education, Research and Adult Education)
    10:00 – 11:00 Presentations on „Opportunities and challenges during the doctoral studies and beyond“ / “The beauty and the pain of a Ph.D”
    The presentations focus on the challenges and opportunities of taking part in doctoral studies and investigates the possibility of applying these experiences after completing the degree. Whether and to what extent does pursuing a Ph.D impact your personal and professional growth? How will the skills and knowledge gained during the doctoral studies transfer to your future career? What can a Ph.D offer you: competencies, resources, the support of supervisors, research possibilities, conferences, networks? What sorts of challenges does one face: time management, stress, issues with motivation, balancing your work and studies? How to deal with challenges? Different career opportunities after obtaining a Ph.D? Is there a demand in Estonia for specialists with a Ph.D?
    10:00 – 10:30 Senior Researcher at National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Els Heinsalu
    10:30 – 11:00 Senior Lecturer at the TalTech Tartu College; City architect at the City Council of Tartu, Jiri Tintera
    11:00 – 11:20 Networking pause with snacks and coffee
    11:20 – 12:50 Panel discussion – „The career paths of the doctoral alumni
    The panel is joined by outstanding speakers with a Ph.D from the academia, industry, and the public sector. The panelists will reveal how the knowledge and the competencies gained during the pursuit of a doctorate have been beneficial for different areas of life as well as the advantage they give in a competitive job market. What are the expectations for workers holding a Ph.D in various sectors? The panel will also share their experiences in transitioning from academia to entrepreneurship: how to find a suitable space for yourself and contribute to your field outside of academia?
    Ardo Hansson, Government Office, Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister
    Martin Järvekülg, Click&Grow, Head of Research and Development
    Tõnn Talpsepp, TalTech Department of Economics and Finance, Associate Professor and Programme Director for Doctoral Studies
    Allan Hani, , R8 Technologies, Chief Operating Officer
    Maarja Merivoo Parro, , Estonian Public Broadcasting, Editor
    12:50 – 13:30 Lunch and networking
    13:30 – 14:30 Poster presentations by doctoral candidates, where they introduce their research and its real-world impact to a wider audience)
    Doctoral candidates’ comics on: “My every-day life as a doctorate researcher”
    14:30 – 15:30 Interactive session – „Success stories“
    Doctoral graduates and current doctoral candidates share their personal stories on how they have applied their knowledge and skills in various fields and how they have or are shaping their careers with their aims and interests in mind. What sorts of challenges do they face on their way out of academia after obtaining a doctoral degree? The panel gives practical advice and shares their experiences for current and future doctoral researchers, who are weighing their career options after doctoral studies and are looking to gain knowledge and inspiration from past success stories.
    Kertu Liis Krigul , University of Tartu, Institute of Genomics / Estonian Genome Centre, Junior Research Fellow
    Riin Tamm – Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Head of Department of Youth and Talent Policy
    Kristiina Urb , Creativity Lab, Consultant and Project Manager, Doctorate from the Estonian Business School
    Ott Lumi – META Advisory kaasasutaja ja valitsussuhete erinõustaja
    Katriin Kristmann – TalTech early stage researcher
    15:30 – 16:00 Award ceremony for best poster presentations and closing words
    16:00 – 17:00 Informal ending to the conference with refershments
