Tallinn University of Technology

Kaiser Pärnamets the PhD student of Thomas Johann Seebecki department of electronics will defend his PhD thesis August 29, 2023 starting at 13:00 (Tallinn time) „Optical Detection Methods for Droplet Microfluidic Applications“. The defence takes place in room U02-208 (Ehitajate tee 5) and in MS Teams.

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate cost-effective and portable illumination and detection circuits for droplet microfluidics. First, the dissertation examines the current state-of-the-art of illumination sources and detectors for biomedical applications, with particular emphasis on droplet microfluidics. It is then evaluated and analysed the performance of open-source, cost-effective, and portable imaging optical detectors for droplet microfluidics. To overcome the limitations of imaging sensor detection capabilities in terms of droplet generation rate, a mathematical model is proposed to evaluate the theoretical droplet generation rate based on the flow rates of dispersed and continuous phases. Lastly, a non-imaging method is proposed which is less cumbersome in comparison to current state-of-the-art devices yet has similar performance in terms of detection of droplets per second.

The thesis is published in the Digital Collection of TalTech Library.

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  • Dr Tamás Pardy
  • Dr Ants Koel


  • Prof Ferenc Ender (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Prof Serge Dos Santos (INSA Centre Val de Loire, University of Tours)

Follow public defence in MS Teams

Meeting ID: 327 534 828 194
Passcode: XyEDoi