There is a need for energy-efficient data communications in IoT networks and automation of supply chains where UAV-assisted networks can be used. In this talk, we will talk about energy-efficient data communications by reducing the overhead (required for feedback) and so extra time& energy consumption in the IoT networks and then about energy-efficient data communications via a UAV in the post-Covid-19 era.
IEEE C/COM/IT Estonian jt Chapter, IEEE CS Norway Chapter, IEEE CS UK&Ireland Chapter, IEEE CS Denmark Chapter, IEEE CS Poland(Gdansk) Chapter and IEEE CS Egypt Chapter, Estonian IT Academy IoIT project are organizing a webinar of IEEE Computer Society (CS) Region 8 Coordinator Dr. Ömer Melih Gul at 14.00 EET on December 14th .
Dr. Ömer Melih Gul will give one-hour webinar (45 min lecture+15 min Q/A) on energy efficient IoT networks in the post Covid-19 era but also make a 30-min introductory presentation about several opportunities for IEEE CS Members in each levels of student, young professionals, senior professionals and 30 min Q/A.
Firstly, we investigate a data collection problem in a cellular IoT network. A fusion center (FC) knows neither the statistics of energy harvesting/data arrival processes nor the battery/buffer states of nodes. A node can transmit data whenever scheduled by FC if it has sufficient energy and data to transmit. A simple policy, Uniforming Random Ordered Policy (UROP), is proposed for this scheduling problem. It is exhibited that UROP is asymptotically throughput-optimal.
Secondly, we investigate efficiency-aware and energy-aware data collection at clustered robot networks. In each cluster, a cluster head (CH) robot allocates tasks to other robots and collects data from them. Then, a UAV with a limited-capacity battery collects data from CH robots by visiting an optimal portion of them. The UAV decides upon the subset of CH robots to visit by considering all its battery capacity, locations, and data efficiencies of all CH robots where nonvisited CH robots forward their data to other CH robots.
Bio: Ömer Melih Gul (S'17, M'21) received BSc., MSc., and PhD. degrees from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey, in 2012, 2014, and 2020, respectively by also working as research assistant at the same department. His research interests include machine learning applications, wireless security, networking, scheduling, IoT, UAV, robotics, blockchain. He has co-authored over 25 papers and 2 book chapters. He was awarded third place in 2019 Lance Stafford Larson Outstanding Student Paper Award by IEEE Computer Society.
He was also awarded third place in the poster competition at 2021 IEEE Rising Stars Global Conference. Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow at School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a recipient of the best paper award at 48th Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) in 2022. On the IEEE volunteering side, after holding several IEEE volunteer roles, he has been Region 8 (EMEA) Coordinator at the IEEE Computer Society since April 2021. He was awarded the 2022 IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award.
Meeting ID: 815 8065 6152
Passcode: 585096