Tallinn University of Technology

ERC Work Programme dates for 2021 calls are as follows:

  • Starting Grant: call opens on 25.02.2021; submission deadline 08.04.2021
  • Consolidator Grant: call opens on 11.03.2021; submission deadline 20.04.2021
  • Advanced Grant: call opens on 20.05.2021; submission deadline 31.08.2021

    ETAg webinar-consultation for TalTech researchers will take place in 12.03.2021 at 13-14.30. Registration https://etag.clickmeeting.com/erc-q-a-seminar-for-taltech/register

Work Porgramme: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/horizon/wp-call/2021/wp_horizon-erc-2021_en.pdf (NB! the call dates in the Work Programme are indicative, and the actual StG dates have changed)

ERC website: https://erc.europa.eu/

To help researchers write project proposals, the Research Administration Office has formed a team of project writers. Team is lead by Siim Läänelaid, siim.laanelaid@taltech.ee

Contact: Marika Lunden, marika.lunden@taltech.ee