Tallinn University of Technology

We kindly invite you to the seminar where Andris Slavinskis, Associate Professor at UT Tartu Observatory is giving presentation about the The ESTCube-LuNa mission and platform. Presentation lasts about 40 minutes. After that there is time for questions and discussions. Online participation is also possible over the MS teams – link can be found here.

We have recently published the Electric Sail Test Cube–Lunar Nanospacecraft, or ESTCube-LuNa, mission concept which includes several novel ideas in scientific experimentation, platform design, operations, communications, and navigation. We are working towards establishing a strong consortium centred around the Baltic Sea which develops novel space technologies. The talk will provide the ESTCube-LuNa mission overview and take a deep dive into discussing potential collaborations in the scope of radio frequency communications and in attitude determination (a.k.a. state estimation).

Scientific reference: Slavinskis, A.; Palos, M.F.; Dalbins, J.; Janhunen, P.; Tajmar, M.; Ivchenko, N.; Rohtsalu, A.; Micciani, A.; Orsini, N.; Moor, K.M.; et al. Electric Sail Test Cube–Lunar Nanospacecraft, ESTCube-LuNa: Solar Wind Propulsion Demonstration Mission Concept. Aerospace 2024, 11, 230. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace11030230