Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech Rector's Cup is coming up again, and this time we will all test ourselves in darts. The Estonian Darts Association is also lending its hand in organizing the tournament.

Darts ENG

The Rector's Cup darts tournament is played with adapted rules, which means it is accessible to participants of all levels.

How to participate?

  1. Come to the lobby of the main building of Tallinn University of Technology OR to the main building of the Maritime Academy on March 24 between 12:00 and 18:00
  2. Find the dartboards in the lobby and join the live queue (if necessary).
  3. When it's your turn, tell the judge your name and faculty (university employees can choose which faculty they want to compete for)
  4. Each participant can shoot 9 darts. The total result of the thrown darts will be the participant's score

Who can take part in the Rector's Cup?

All former and current members of Tallinn University of Technology (students, alumni, employees) who represent their respective faculties during the Rector's Cup are invited to take part.

We are aware that historically the list of faculties of the Technical University has been quite different. Those esteemed alumni whose faculty no longer exists at the University of Technology  have to choose a suitable one from among the current faculties.

Example: If our alumnus during his/her time graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , then at the present moment his faculty would be the School of Science

Schools (faculties) of Tallinn University of Technology

  • School of Business and Governance
  • School of Science
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Information Technology
  • Estonian Maritime Academy

Concern with the employees of TalTech

There are many people working in our university who have never studied here and do not work under any specific faculty (dean's office etc). These are also a group of people whom we would like to bring closer to the university. A "free-agent system" has been created to solve this problem.

All employees (including the university management and those employees who specifically belong to a faculty) can be so-called free agents at the university. University employees, i.e. free agents, can choose their own faculty at each stage of the Rector's Cup or be recruited by other members of the university family. The free agent system does not include deans or vice-deans.


What all the faculties will compete for has also changed - in addition to the fact that participants can take home various prizes from each stage, all participants also collect points for their faculty. The points are counted at the end of the spring semester and the winner of the Rector's Cup will be announced.

The winning faculty will own a magnificent trophy, which will be exhibited in an illuminated glass showcase to the entire university family and guests. In addition, the winning faculty will be given the right to carry out a project of their own choosing, and its organizational part will be supported by our own dear university, both with advice and elbow grease, and creatively and financially.

Each faculty, led by their student council, organizes an idea contest and selects one idea/project by the end of the first week of the spring semester at the latest. If the faculty wins the Rector's Cup, their idea will be implemented in cooperation with the university.

The idea/project of ​​the winning faculty can basically be anything, but it must somehow be useful for the entire university family (renovation of the basketball court near the dormitories, planting thousands of new trees, an awesome party, organizing a seminar, or even inviting a world-famous speaker to our university)

Point system

The point system for the Rector's Cup consists of two parts: points obtained from the competitions and participation or so called activity points.

Competition Points:

  • I place - 120p
  • II place - 100p
  • III place - 80p
  • IV place - 70p
  • V place - 60p 

PS! Only the best team/competitor of the faculty will receive competition points for the Rector's Cup.

Activity points system:

Each participant (student, employee, alumni) automatically earns an activity point for representing their faculty, regardless of the place he got in the competition (participation in the aforementioned cultural events also earns an activity point).

When giving out activity points, coefficients will also be used

The number of members varies greatly from faculty to faculty, which means that to achieve a fair system, coefficients must be set. In November 2022, membership statistics for the current academic year will be published, and based on these statistics, we will determine how many activity points each faculty will receive.

  • School of Engineering: 1 
  • School of IT: 1,11 
  • School of Business and Economics: 1,46
  • School of Science: 5,65 
  • Maritime Academy: 6,15 (412,05)

More information on the Rector's Cup: tom.luoma-aho@taltech.ee
