Tallinn University of Technology

The Estonian Academy of Sciences and Hungarian Academy of Sciences announce a call for joint research projects, to be implemented in 2022-2024. The aim is to continue collaborative research between Estonian and Hungarian research teams and/or initiate new cooperation. The field of research can be freely chosen, the number of participants in a specific project is not limited.

The academies cover the mobility costs (living costs at the destination country) for visits necessary to achieve the project objectives. The research costs are not funded. Estonian researchers are eligible to participate, whatever their institutional affiliation. In Hungary, eligibility is limited to applicants (i.e. principal investigators) Affiliated to research units or Institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Deadline for applications is 15 September 2021. The interested Estonian researchers Should take the following steps:

Queries: Mrs. Ülle Raud, +372 645 1925, foreign@akadeemia.ee

The Hungarian partner Should submit a similar application to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, following the HAS guidelines, forms and deadlines. Queries: Ms Nikoletta Faragó, tel. +36 1 411 6272, e-mail: farago.nikoletta@titkarsag.mta.hu