Tallinn University of Technology

Moving towards a sustainable and waste-free future is one of the greatest challenges for today’s Europe. How do we move from a consumption economy to a circular economy, close resource streams and ensure we recycle and reuse materials as much as possible? What do we need to achieve this system change?

Lobbying for Change event 2022

What can we learn from different perspectives on this ‘leave no waste behind’ challenge? How do universities, industry and politicians try to tackle this problem? And how can we engage students and the wider public to help out?

Together with universities, politicians and industry, we address different perspectives on a waste-free future. We look at their ideas and solutions, and we show how EuroTeQ uses collaborative co-creation education formats to include the ideas of students from all types of educational institutes in solving the challenge of a waste-free future.

Come and join us on 11 May 2022, 15.30-17.30 CEST at the second European-wide Lobbying for Change virtual event “Leave no waste behind – towards a sustainable future”.

Agenda (please notice that the timetable is in CEST)

  • 15:30 – 15:40     Welcome by Tiit Land, Rector of Tallinn University of Technology
  • 15:40 – 15:50     Keynote 1: The EU perspective – Pernille Weiss; MEP  
  • 15:50 – 16:00     Keynote 2: The Industry perspective – To be announced
  • 16:00 – 16:15    1st Discussion
  • 16:15 – 16:25     Keynote 3: The start-up perspective – representative of Reverion
  • 16:25 – 16:35    Keynote 4: The city perspective – Kristina Frank; City of Munich
  • 16:35 – 16:50    2nd Discussion
  • 16:50 – 17:30    Spotlight: The EuroTeQ Collider Challenge

The conference will be held in English and is moderated by Deniz Bezgin.

The event is free of charge but the organisers ask you to register your participation here. You will receive the broadcast link via email a few days before the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

EuroTeQ Engineering University is a 3-year collaboration project between a number of universities across Europe, which aims to set up systematic and sustainable collaborations in teaching activities. The project will establish joint study programmes across different disciplines, sectors, and national borders.

The EuroTeQ Engineering University project is co-financed by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.

EuroTeQ partnerid