Tallinn University of Technology

During the spring semester, for the first time, students sought solutions to challenges on the theme of ‘Leave No Waste Behind’ within the framework of the EuroTeQ Collider project. On 18 May at 14:00, at the final event of the Waste Challenge, student teams will present the projects they worked on in the challenge-based learning courses conducted at TalTech Mektory.

EuroTeQ Collider is a challenge-based learning activity in which students are presented with challenges (incl. by businesses) in the field of sustainability, for which they then need to find solutions as a team.

During the spring semester, students solved challenges on the topic of ‘Leave No Waste Behind’ in the following areas:

  • cities (e.g., construction/buildings, outdoor lighting, streets),
  • energy (e.g., recyclable materials, transport, data management),
  • consumption (e.g., food, plastics, fashion).

The best teams will be given monetary rewards and the opportunity to participate in EuroTeQaThon, an international competition. For which the main prize is a trip to Brussels.


14:00–14:30 Introduction and opening speeches (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Hendrik Voll, Vice Rector for Green Transition Helen Sooväli-Sepping)

14:30–15:20 Teams’ presentations I

15:20–15:35 Break

15:35–16:30 Teams’ presentations II

16:30–17:20 Inspirational speeches from start-ups affiliated with TalTech

17:20–17:30 Recognition and rewarding of the best teams

17:30–17:45 Closing words

17:45–… Cake serving

The event will be conducted fully in English.

The event is open to everyone who is interested: students, lecturers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and anyone concerned about sustainability issues. Participation is free of charge, but we ask you to register

The event will take place at TalTech Mektory (Raja 15, Tallinn) and will also be broadcast on YouTube (link to be published soon).

Additional information: Karl-Erik Karu, karl-erik.karu@taltech.ee.

EuroTeQ Engineering University is a 3-year collaboration project between a number of universities across Europe, which aims to set up systematic and sustainable collaborations in teaching activities. The project will establish joint study programmes across different disciplines, sectors, and national borders.

The EuroTeQ Engineering University project is co-financed by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.
