Tallinn University of Technology

Eesti mõttelugu (Story of Estonian thought) is a book series published by Ilmamaa. The first book in the series, Mäss ja meelehaigus by Juhan Luiga, was published in the spring of 1955. The editor-in-chief and publisher of the series is Hando Runnel.

näitus mõttelugu

Eesti mõttelugu is focused on the most esteemed works of Estonian thought throughout the centuries. The series begins in the 17th century (Jutluseraamat by Georg Müller) and leads us to the beginning of the 21st century.

Hando Runnel has said that the series is like our local history, and that for the sake of our nation and its perseverance, we are obliged to revive and preserve the nation’s intellectual wealth – the works of our great men and women – for the next generations.

The series, which is known for its colourful designs inspired by national patterns, is not finished. The series is not based on publishing new texts but rather tries to give value to the works that have already been written. The series collects the most valuable part of the Estonian thought in several areas, such as philosophy, art, economics, politics, and history.

The exhibition was compiled by Taimi Nurmiste, designed by Tiia Eikholm. On display until 1 July 2021.