Tallinn University of Technology

Glass Gallery`s new exhibition "Re:Material" presents the developments of sustainable materials in Estonian universities.

We are exhibiting a selection of environmentally friendly materials and design solutions created by students and researchers of Tallinn University of Technology laboratory of textile technology and the laboratory of wood technology, Estonian Academy of Arts and Tartu University Viljandi Academy of Culture. In addition to these, you can also see samples of the products of companies engaged in the development of sustainable materials.

The exhibition has two conceptual parts. Materials made from recycled textile fibers and design developments make up the largest part. The focus of the smaller part is on materials and objects made of hemp and common reed developed in the laboratory of wood technology.

Objects made from textile scraps and their information have previously been exhibited at the DiMa exhibition as part of the Tallinn XVII Design Night. We thank the organizers of the exhibition for the opportunity to show these materials again.

Exhibition is open until December 31.

re:materjal näituse plakat
