Tallinn University of Technology

July 3rd – September 1st the exhibition "Travel Books in The Changing Times" is open in the library’s 2nd floor reading area. 

Estonians love to travel and read travel books. The popular book series Maailm ja mõnda started to be published by Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus in 1957. The Petrone Print publishing house's new travel book series My took off in 2007. The exhibition presents books from the two series of travel books from different eras, whereas the places that are written about overlap. A selection of books published in the My series about different places in Estonia is displayed separately, with a tourist map of the corresponding place from the map collection of TalTech Library.

The exhibition was prepared by Piret Toots and Katrin Kaljuvee, employees of the library's Bibliographic Services Division. 

List of books

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