Tallinn University of Technology

in the library’s 2nd floor reading area from 1–30 November 2021.

I am studying Structural Engineering and Construction Management at Tallinn University of Technology. I am currently in my fifth year and already working in the engineering field. I have been painting since I started attending an art class in the ninth grade. I don’t have much time for at classes today while going to school and working, but I try to pick up the brush a few times a year. Painting is a good way to distract my mind during a highly stressful period. Abstract art helps to relieve stress as you don’t have to think about the details that much and can focus on using different techniques instead.

In case of the paintings displayed here, I have used the pouring technique, switched my brush for a handkerchief, and applied some modelling paste to add some texture. I have used a traditional canvas for some of my paintings, but I mostly use old wooden doors as the basis for my works. Painting on wood has its peculiarities – you have to prepare the surface thoroughly for the paint to stick to the wood. I think that the wooden base and the frame that surrounds it adds a certain personality to my work.

Elisa Iliste