Tallinn University of Technology

Kicked off on August 15 and continued in the form of workshops in Mektory on August 21-25, the final event of the course will take place this Friday on Zoom.


After a period of intensive learning in Mektory and subsequent virtual team and self-directed work, the teams are now ready to present their results achieved within the course. The solutions of 9 different international teams will be pitched on the following topics proposed by TalTech and partners:

  • Construction and demolition material recyclability / Mentor: V. Karu, S. Ilomets
  • Indoor climate improvement as a service / Mentor: T. M. Parts
  • TalTech energy community / Mentors: T. R.  Klamp, M. Helmja
  • Food is too good to waste 1 / Mentor: K. Kirsimaa
  • Food is too good to waste 2 / Mentor: K. Kirsimaa
  • Green K – potassium from new sustainable sources / Mentor: R. Hints
  • How cities can become climate-neutral, smart (and happy)? / Mentor: FinEst Centre
  • Responsible sourcing and sustainable mining / Mentor: T. Hand
  • Raw materials seal of excellence for the batteries / Mentor: A. Nominé

There are also small prizes for the three best projects, and their selection is based on the evaluation criteria used both in the competition between EuroTeQ's partner universities and in the local Taltech Sustainable Futures event, which has four main evaluation areas: potential for impact, innovation, feasibility and pitch.

The event will be conducted in English and is open to everyone interested - students, lecturers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and anyone concerned about sustainability issues. Join the event through the Zoom platform.

If you want more information about the course or the event, please contact: Karl-Erik Karu, karl-erik.karu@taltech.ee, Ethel Praks, ethel.praks@taltech.ee.