Tallinn University of Technology

FinEst Centre for Smart Cities is having the next Research & Innovation Seminar (RIS) on the 10.11.2021 with the topic “Digital twinning the green areas and participatory planning”.

Research and innovation seminar

Since June 2020, FinEst Centre for Smart Cities has been organizing Research and Innovation Seminars (RIS). The purpose of RIS is to create a connection between researchers and city developers. This happens by presenting research results, plans and urban challenges presented by city developers, urban planners etc.

The next RIS session with the topic Digital twinning the green areas and participatory planning is happening on the 10.11.2021 from 10:00am to 11:40am (EEST) and can be seen in online.

Register to the session here.

This time, we are looking more closely to the FinEst Large Pilot - Tallinn-Helsinki Dynamic Green Information Model (GreenTwins). GreenTwins project develops a library of green elements for the digital twins of Tallinn and Helsinki and creates a permanent city planning hub in Tallinn centre. The world-class novelty of the project is the dynamic digital modelling of the green environment: a green information model.


10:00 Short introduction to RIS and agenda of the day (Kalle Toiskallio and Matti Hämäläinen)

10:10   Fabian Dembski (TalTech): Introduction to GreenTwins pilot project

10:20   Henna Fabritius (TalTech): Dynamic modelling of urban green 

10:30   Petri Kangassalo (Aalto University): City models in co-planning 

10:40   Antti Kauppi (Aalto University): Visualizing greenified urban twin 

10:50   Andres Maremäe (Tallinn City), Lauri Lemmenlehti (City of Helsinki) 

11:40   Session ends


  • Host Kalle Toiskallio (Research Coordinator, FinEst Centre, Aalto University)
  • Host Matti Hämäläinen (Innovation Lead, FinEst Centre, Forum Virium Helsinki)

Seminar’s language: English

All past RIS sessions are available in FinEst Centre for Smart Cities YouTube channel

Keep yourself posted about next RIS sessions; follow us in Twitter (@FinEstSmartCity) and subscribe to our Newsletter here.

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