Tallinn University of Technology

Exhibition „Forest Fairy Tailes“ at library's 2nd floor reading area from August 2 to August 21.

Members of the Estonian Binding Artists' Association introduce unique bindings of the stories of fairy tales and forest fairy tales in the current exhibition.

A fairy tale is a story based on a deliberate invention that contradicts logic, the laws of nature and does not care about a specific historical environment. There is a great deal of discussion about forests in today’s society because our forests are being cut down carelessly, forgetting that a forest is a living system that needs a smart, attentive and caring attitude. Forest fairy tales help us recall the connection with nature and its creatures. Forest-themed works also have a significant place in Estonian and foreign literature. For example, Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald's animal fairy tale “Reynard the Fox” can be read as stories of a fox cheating and exploiting other forest dwellers or as an allegory of human society.

The forest is not far away, it is a getaway place and by nature our second home. Hopefully, the forests in Estonia will be preserved and in a century we will not have to read about our forests only in science fiction and fairy tale books and stroke the covers of nature photo books...

Participants of the exhibition: Rene Haljasmäe, Sirje Kriisa, Kert Lokotar-Reimann, Lennart Mänd, Tähti Roostalu, Tulvi-Hanneli Turo, Irmeli Vaher-Jaanson, Tiiu Vijar.

näitus mets mühiseb
näitus mets mühiseb

Exhibition design: Tiia Eikholm

Additional information: Rene Haljasmäe, rene.haljasmae@pallasart.ee

TalTech Library opening hours