Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is thrilled to launch a new Blended Intensive Programme (BIP): Green Deal Collider: Sustainable Futures, 2023, together with the University of Lorraine (France), Aalto University (Finland) and Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands).

We'd like to invite you to forward the information on this BIP to any students who might be interested.

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  • 15 Aug: online pre-event
  • 21-25 Aug: physical at TalTech Mektory
  • 28 Aug - 29 Sep: virtual teamwork, online feedback session and final presentations

How to integrate science, entrepreneurship, real-life challenges and co-creation in university? How to do this in such a way that the different parties can actually benefit from it?

"Green Deal Collider: Sustainable Futures" (3 ECTS) is based on problem-based and project-based learning principles and is an essential output of EuroTeQ Collider at TalTech. The BIP course aims to support university students and employees in promoting science-based entrepreneurship and developing technically feasible and economically viable products, services and business models for implementing the European Green Deal.

The main lecturers are Ergo Pikas (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, tenured assistant professor) and Kätlin Kangur (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Programme Director of the master’s programme Design and Technology Futures). Research groups from TalTech and partner universities are involved as mentors for projects/challenges to be solved in the course. Sustainable enrichment of mineral resources, smart cities, circular economy and data science-related projects are represented.

The course is aimed primarily at master’s and doctoral students from TalTech, Erasmus and EuroTeQ partner universities and is not limited to any specific curriculum/field. Open university students are also welcome to join. It is also a good opportunity for the student to continue with the project as part of the thesis and/or to diversify their own activity.

Lecturers prepare students for different stages during the physical part of workshops (21-25 Aug), by the end of physical part student teams should reach at the point where they can first go on with testing and validating their solution and then finalizing their project. There is an online feedback session between the validation and finalization weeks, and they will have some online meetings with mentors, but specific times can be different for teams and mentors. Students need to organize their online work as a team by themselves. Developing organizational, communicative, and self-regulation skills play an important role in achieving learning outcomes. 

28/08-10/09 Test & Validate (online team work organized by teams and supported by mentors, specific time-slots for mentors support will be confirmed during the physical session at the latest)

between 11-15/09 Feedback Session (will be one specific time-slot during this week, ca 2,5h)

18-24/09 Finalize (online team work organized by teams and supported by mentors, specific time-slots for mentors support will be confirmed during the physical session at the latest)

between 25-29/09 Final Presentation (will be one specific time-slot during this week, ca 2h)

Please find the OnePager and vision document attached to this call for further details of the programme and applying.

TalTech student! Register your interest for participation via this link by 9th of August the latest! NB The official registration to the course is via Study Information System in September.

Contact for academic/course related questions: Ergo Pikas, ergo.pikas@taltech.ee Contact for admission related questions: Kerti Sönmez, kerti.sonmez@taltech.ee