Tallinn University of Technology

For the first time, in the fall semester of 2022, we started a new open course - “Green Deal Collider: Sustainable Futures”. It is based on the problem- and project-based learning principles and is an essential output of the EuroTeQ Collider at TalTech.

green deal collider

During the semester, the students have been working together to support university employees and students in promoting science-based entrepreneurship and to develop technically feasible and economically viable products, services and business models for implementing the European Green Deal. 

On 12 November at 14:30, at the course final event, student teams will present their (research)projects at TalTech Mektory Innovation Hub. The selected teams will be given the opportunity to participate in EuroTeQaThon, an international competition. Last year, one of TalTech’s teams won in the energy-related projects category. 


  1. 14.30-15.30 Teams’ presentations and feedback of the representative of the research group 
  2. 15.30 Closing remarks from lecturers 
  3. 15.40-… Cake and coffee

The event will be conducted fully in English and is open to everyone interested: students, lecturers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and anyone concerned about sustainability issues. The recording of the event is available afterwards. 

Additional information: Karl-Erik Karu, karl-erik.karu@taltech.ee

EuroTeQ Engineering University is a 3-year collaboration project between a number of universities across Europe, which aims to set up systematic and sustainable collaborations in teaching activities. The project will establish joint study programmes across different disciplines, sectors, and national borders. 

The EuroTeQ Engineering University project is co-financed by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.