Did you know that ordering chips by your company involves dangers? In this seminar professor Samuel Pagliarini from the Centre for Hardware Security explains, why is it important to be a „smart customer“ when ordering chips? If your company has to deal with these questions, you are welcome to the public seminar to the Innovation Centre Mektory (Raja St 15) on the 10th of May at 12:30-14:00 PM.

What could go wrong and how can TalTech’s Hardware Security group help you?
You are welcome to the seminar if your company:
- is producing or using chips in the production
- you're responsible for the hardware security
- you are planning to implement hardware security issues at your company
- you are also welcome, if chips, hardware and security issues are in the area of your interest.
The goal of the meeting is to identify how your company could leverage the work of professor Pagliarini and his research group, which includes many aspects of circuit design, reliability, and security. Samuel Pagliarini will showcase some of his previous research projects, publications, and collaborations in a short presentation. A forum for questions and answers will also be provided. In short, the goal is to find avenues of cooperation between academia and industry.
Read further: The threat of hardware Trojan horses is bigger than we have thought, new academic research claims
Register here by 9th of May the lastest
This event of the projects „IT Academy research measure“ and "ICT programme" are supported partially by the European Union through European Social Fund".