Tallinn University of Technology

The first stage of the ongoing year's Rector's Cup is finally here and it's the university family's absolute favourite - Beer (Gin-Long drink) Pong! Why Longero pong? Very simple - the main sponsor of the stage is the legendary Hartwall, which has been producing the favorite drink of the Estonian-Finnish brotherhood since 1952.

Longero Pong


  • The Longero Pong tournament, which is part of the TalTech Rector's Cup, will be played on February 23 at 4:00 p.m. in the TalTech Student House.


  • The Longero Pong tournament team must consist of two members.
  • There are no other restrictions, which means that two men, two women or even mixed teams can take part.

PS! To earn competition points for the Rector's Cup, the team must consist of persons from the same faculty.


Registration page can be found HERE

  • Up to 128 teams (256 total participants) can enter the Rector's Cup Longero Pong tournament
  • It is possible to register both by pre-registration online and on the spot on the day of the competition. Pre-registered teams will be allowed to compete in priority order. Pre-registration lasts until 22.02 23:59.
  • All faculties are guaranteed at least 5 spots upon pre-registration.
  • If the pre-registered team has not shown up by 16:00 at the latest, the place will be given to the team standing in line on the spot.


  • All teams are placed in a playoff "bracket" at the beginning of the tournament by lottery, with double elimination (lower-bracket) (except in situations where the number of participating teams is low enough to hold group stages  as well).
  • PS! Lower bracket games are to be played with teams' own drinks (3 cups, 3 minutes, 1 can of drink per game)
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors decides the starting team
  • At the beginning of the game, both teams have 6 cups
  • 10 minutes to play
  • The organizers will provide 2 cans of Hartwall's Gin Long-Drink for each team, for each game
  • The three best teams will be awarded

The exact rules of Hartwall presents: Rector's Cup Longero Pong can be found HERE

Have any questions? Please contact - tom.luoma-aho@taltech.ee, 56229025