Tallinn University of Technology

We would like to invite you on 24th of September to attend the inaugural lectures of professor Kimmo Lylykangas, Jenni Partanen and Jaan Kuusemets of the Institute of Construction and Architecture of the TalTech Faculty of Engineering. The aim of the lectures is to recognize the appointment of new full professors and to introduce them to the academic and non-academic community of the university. It is a good opportunity for professors to share their previous research and introduce new ideas to a diverse academic and non-academic audience and to interact with the wider community.

9:15 – Opening of the inauguration lectures series – TalTech Rector Tiit Land and Prof Jarek Kurnitski

9:30 – Kimmo Lylykangas „The Quest for Change – Sustainability in Architecture“

10:30 – break, coffee

10:45 – Jenni Partanen: ”Planning for Uncertainty”
11:45 – break, coffee

12:00 – Jaan Kuusemets: "Design methods in contemporary architecture"

13:00 – networking

The lectures will take place in the auditorium SOC-209 of the study building of the Faculty of Economics (Akadeemia tee 3, Tallinn).

The working languages of the seminar are Estonian and English.

Please register your participation here.